Tuesday, May 26, 2020
The Importance Of Drug Testing In Schools - 1384 Words
Why should we drug test students in schools? Some seem to think drug tests could have a negative effect on students and their relationship with their community amongst their school, while others think drug tests should definitely find their way into the school system. Really, drug tests should be implemented into all school systems. Schools aren’t looking to punish students for going on the wrong track, rather they aspire to lead them back onto the correct way. The age of students in high schools generally range from 14-18 years of age, meaning they are not suppose to be doing any form of drugs. Students need to be tested at school to make sure they are on the right track and are focusing on their school work for a better future, rather†¦show more content†¦According to Sifferlin, â€Å"the tests can also detect substances used by young people for medical reasons†(Pediatrics Group). I think we can all agree that not all students are very trustworthy. We want t o believe what they say, but really it’s much better to have solid evidence as to someone’s word. If drugs can be monitored in schools and keep the students on track for good behavior and a good learning environment, then the drug tests should definitely be put into play. Another reason we should have drug testing in schools is because not only can it affect those who are using the drugs, it can also affect those around them. According to Harris, â€Å"Drugs affect a student-athlete’s perception and reaction time, we’re trying to protect the ones that aren’t on drugs†(Rock Hill). Being on drugs affects your body in many ways, and in some cases can make you lose most control. Those on drugs aren’t on all five senses at all times, and can become dangerous to those around them. They could bring or do something at school that is not acceptable, and potentially affect their peers, and it is important that we capitalize on this and make sc hool systems more drug-free and ultimately, a much more safe learning environment. Implementing the drug tests could identificate those who use drugs, and seek help for them to save not only them, but their fellow classmates from potential danger andShow MoreRelatedArgument Essay Random Drug Testing859 Words  | 4 PagesARGUMENT ESSAY RANDOM DRUG TESTING Drug abuse has always been a very delicate question as it always it deals with the health, well-being and even lives of human beings belonging to any country. Many people have argued that mandatory drug testing is a violation of their civil rights guaranteed by the Constitution. The Fourth Amendment grants you the right against unreasonable searches and seizures, otherwise known as a persons right to privacy. However, employers have the right to know whetherRead More Drug Policy Essay1017 Words  | 5 Pages The President’s Drug Policy Introduction nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The following is a summary of the President’s policy emphasizing on the President’s stated objectives. Stopping drug use before it starts, providing drug treatment, and attacking the economic basis of the drug trade are the main positions the President stressed. The President’s policy was analyzed by the important tasks played by law enforcement, schools and the community. The apprehension of major drug organizations willRead MorePro Doping in Sports Debate825 Words  | 4 Pagesthe Medical Ethics Program at the University of Wisconsin Steroid Hysteria: Unpacking the Claims, American Medical Association Journal of Ethics Nov. 2005 Drugs vs. Technology Sport is for enjoyment and competition, and usually aims to improve; but what is the difference between increasing skill and performance by training, and taking drugs? If it is the use of personal effort rather than outside help, then what of ropes, crampons and oxygen for climbing? What of advanced training by teams of sportsRead MoreAnimal Testing Should Not Be Banned1445 Words  | 6 Pagesthink twice about animal testing being involved. As long as the item is safe for you to use and works the way you want it to, there’s no problem. Some people may even argue that the results of the experimentation when using animals for testing outweigh the harm to these animals. Unfortunately, for animals they are not treated with respect, because people believe humans are the superior life form and disregard others feelings. Even though many scientists believe animal testing is necessary for researchRead MoreWhen Discussing Ethics, We Consider The Negative And Positive1360 Words  | 6 Pagesmore clear-cut than others, but when we begin to consider nonhuman individuals, the more complicated a previously simple debate becomes. For example, most people agree on the immorality of forced human testing, but many do not see animal testing in the same light. The subj ect of animal testing requires not only examining the possible consequences on humans, but also whether or not we examine the possible consequences on animals. I believe that, ultimately, whatever decision we make depends onRead MorePublic Health Problem Of The United States1677 Words  | 7 Pagestransmissible way of contracting the disease was either using unsterile needles for drug use or by unprotected sex with partners who were infected – most of the infected individuals in the 1980s were those who were or had been in homosexual relationships. Since then, HIV has gained a larger host population, with most transmissions occurring due to unprotected sex, although a smaller percentage of transmissions occur due to unsafe drug use. Several factors have caused HIV to continue to exist in the populationRead MoreAids, Hiv, And Aids1726 Words  | 7 Pagesmillions of people have the disease of AIDS and HIV. There is not many treatment options or solutions for this serious issue that takes place all over the country. There are a few aspects one must understand about this movement to fully understand its importance, whether those are what exactly HIV/AIDS is and how deadly it actually is, how potently it is actually affecting Nigeria and other countries, and what can be done in hopes to combat this deadly and fierce ailment. The problem exists all over AfricaRead MoreThe Job Analysis Of The O * NET System1278 Words  | 6 Pagespublications can reach applicants almost anywhere. Therefore, someone could apply for the open position from across the world. Therefore, methods applied to recruiting a college professor who just received his or her PHD could include cognitive ability testing, which would measure the mental ability of the applicant in addition to predicting his or her future performance (Bethel University, 2013). A structured interview could be conducted, providing a predetermined outline where answers of all being interviewedRead MoreHiv Is A Human Immunodeficiency Virus1721 Words  | 7 Pagesmillions of people have the disease of AIDS and HIV. There is not many treatment options or solutions for this serious issue that takes place all over the country. There are a few aspects one must understand about this movement to fully understand its importance, whether those are what exactly HIV/AIDS is and how deadly it actually is, how potently it is actually affecting Nigeria and other countries, and what can be done in hopes to combat this deadly and fierce ailment. The problem exists all over AfricaRead MoreThe Use of Illegal Drugs in Sports Essay examples1565 Words  | 7 PagesThe Use of Illegal Drugs in Sports â€Å"He’s at the 40, the 30, the 20, the 10, the 5, TOUCHDOWN!!†Can you imagine the joy of having 100,000 people chanting your name and cheering as loud as they could just for you? Now try imagine having all of that, then having it taken away because you tested positive for illegal drugs. This is the harsh reality for several professional athletes. They get a small taste of greatness but instead of working harder they take a drug and immediately notice improvement
Friday, May 15, 2020
What Is a Dean of Students in College
Nearly every college campus has a dean of students (or something similar). Its common knowledge that theyre in charge of all things that relate to students, but if you were asked to define that in more detail, youd probably draw a blank. So, just what is a dean of students, and how should you utilize the dean of students office during your time in school? What Does a Dean of Students Do? First and foremost, the dean of students on a college campus is one of the highest, if not the highest, ranking people in charge of student life. Some schools may also use the title Vice Provost of Student Life or a Vice Chancellor for Students. No matter their title, the dean of students oversees the majority of things that relate to students when it comes to their experiences outside (and sometimes inside) the college classroom. If youre confused about an assignment for one of your classes, youd likely head to your professor. But if youre concerned about anything outside the classroom that can have an impact on your experience as a college student, the dean of students can be a great ally. This may include: Your living situation.A health issue. A learning difference or disability.A personal problem that you are facing.Conflicts with other students.Campus climate. How a Dean of Students Can Help You Your campus dean of students can be a very knowledgeable and helpful resource. They can help you find solutions to problems, whether theyre personal issues that come up during your time in school or financial concerns that you werent expecting.They can also help connect you to people on campus who might be better able to work with you in addressing a concern or a problem.While most of what they do deals with life outside of the classroom, you can often also talk to them about things like a professor youre having problems with.They simply might be an interesting, fun person who you can talk to about getting more involved on campus. Unfortunately, for some students, their first encounter with the dean of students might be negative or uncomfortable in nature. If youre charged with plagiarism, for example, the dean of students office might be coordinating your hearing. Even in awkward cases, however, the dean of students can still advise you of your rights as a student and let you know what your options are -- regardless of your situation. When Should I Call the Dean of Students Office? If you arent sure if the dean of students is the right place to go with a question, with a request, or just for more information, its probably smart to stop in any way and err on the safe side. If nothing else, they can save you the time of having to run around campus and wait in endless lines trying to figure out where you should go. Given that life sometimes just happens while youre in school (e.g., loved ones dying, unexpected illnesses, or other unfortunate situations), its always good to know everything the dean of students can do for you before you run into trouble.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Police Brutality And Its Effects - 1973 Words
The term / issue of â€Å"Police Brutality†has been going on as early as the late 1800s and is something that still possibly has the same effect to its victims today. On August 22, 2006, a twelve year old girl, Dymond Milburn, was sent outside to go switch a circuit breaker. Then a van with three undercover officers came out and accused her of being a prostitute and were about to arrest her. One of the men grabbed Dymond and said â€Å"You’re a prostitute. You’re coming with me.†Like any other person, her first reaction was to run and call for help. One of the officers had their hand over her mouth and they then started beating her face, head , and throat. Her father heard her and told them â€Å"That’s our daughter. She’s twelve.†The officers†¦show more content†¦Another example that we are able to see is how there are different types of social forces that make it very easy for some people to be vulnerable to much c ontact with the police, eventually leading to police brutality itself. In the book, we are able to see many references and examples of police justifying their use of â€Å"excessive force†into â€Å"justifiable action†. Evidence shown from â€Å"Between The World And Me†would involve â€Å"that the PG County police had killed Elmer Clay Newman, then claimed he’d rammed his own head into the wall of a jail cell. And I knew that they’d shot Gary Hopkins and said he’d gone for an officer’s gun. And I knew they had beaten Freddie McCollum half-blind and blamed it all on a collapsing floor. And I had read reports of these officers choking mechanics, shooting construction workers, slamming suspects through the glass doors of shopping malls..†(Coates 75). We are also able to see how bad this situation was as it was described to be â€Å"with great regularity, as though moved by some unseen cosmic clock.†(Coates 76). In the article Blue-on-Black Violence: A Provisional Model of Some of the Causes by Devon W. Carbado, he gives his own theory as to why there is much police brutality towards people of the African American Community. A reason that Carbado gives is because it is possible for the police to make any excessive actions be justifiable. He says that â€Å"the reconfiguration of violence into justifiable force,Show MoreRelatedPolice Brutality And Its Effects1413 Words  | 6 PagesPolice are supposed to enforce the law amongst people around the world, but unfortunately, some of the ways they enforce are unjust and unruly. Over the past decade, they have acted out in ways that have caused us to question whether or not they are fit for the job or if something should be changed. Police brutality is the malicious use of excessive force, often in the form of physical actions, but also common in verbal abuse and psychological intimidation by a police officer. The word â€Å"Brutality†Read MorePolice Brutality And Its Effect On Society1610 Words  | 7 Pages Police Brutality in the USA Police brutality has adverse effects on society in its entirety and, hence, there is need to stop these acts so as to improve cohesiveness and the observation of the law in society. Police brutality is an old problem that has been around in this country for many years. Unfortunately, civilians have experienced it in their thousands, suffering varying degrees of damages, ranging from injuries or even loss of their lives at the hands of the brutal police. Even more dishearteningRead MorePolice Brutality And Its Effects1173 Words  | 5 Pages Police Brutality There are two type of police brutality, verbal and physical. The first type of police brutality is verbal abuse which can happen anytime when the police officer is doing a routine traffic stop. Sexual comments is a form of verbal abuse. Another type of police brutality is physical. Police brutality is when law enforcement uses excessive force when dealing with a civilian. Excessive force means well beyond what would be necessary to handle to situation, you don t want to getRead MoreThe Effects Of Police Brutality On The Relationship1243 Words  | 5 Pages Bad Blood: The Effects of Police Brutality on the Relationship Between Minorities and the Police Brandon Seigle June 16, 2017 CRJS 498 NC AT University ..................Column Break..................As children we are taught that not only are police officers our friends, but that their job is to protect and serve our communities. Unfortunately, for many minorities this image is shattered as incident after incident occurs in the streets of their communities. With today’s technology, theseRead MorePolice Brutality And Its Effect On America Essay1398 Words  | 6 PagesOver the years the rate of police brutality has increased in America. It has become one of the biggest headline in today’s news. Many African-Americans have become victims of police brutality. From young teenagers to mothers and daughters, even babies; whether the encounter was direct or indirect, all of which has encountered a form of police brutality. It’s not that the African-American community hates the police it’s their actions that we are upset and frustrated with. It’s their actions of beatingRead MorePolice Brutality And Its Effects2608 Words  | 11 PagesPolice brutality is a phenomena that is documented throughout a myriad of societies from Russia, China, Indonesia, Palestine, Egypt to the United States. Police brutality is the use of force which exceeds what is needed in order to accomplish a legal police purpose.Throughout America s history, minorities, specifically Black people, have been the disproportionate target of police brutality. Amnesty International has documented several examples of police brutality, including instances of beatingsRead MorePolice Brutality And Its Effects On Society Essay2047 Words  | 9 Pages Police brutality has often been reported on the mass medias and in newspaper articles. Police Brutality is a form of police misconduct in which officers engage in an excessive use of force and or verbal attack. The purpose of this study was basic information concerning the topic â€Å"Police Brutality†. The study is to investigate â€Å"what are the causes and effects of police brutality in Belize and what recommendations are given to prevent such behavior?†It is very important to investigate police brutalityRead MorePolice Brutality And Its Effect On Society Essay2173 Words  | 9 Pagesfew years, we have had to face the issues of police brutality in our society. In many cases, we see that history repeats itself and that is the case that we are facing now. We thought that we as humans are equal and no one is above anyone but the past few years that has not been the case. Police brutality is seen as an illegal or excessive force by police, whether to affect a lawful goal or to achieve a corrupt one. I do not have a problem with police using force when the situation they’re in callsRead MoreThe Effects Of Police Brutality On Minority Communities1152 Words  | 5 PagesThe Effects of Police Brutality on Minority Communities Police brutality thrives in the inner city regions where minority communities live and work. Police brutality is a crime punishable by law and is often instigated by law enforcement officers who are either racially biased or prone to authority abuse and violent (re)actions. Allegations abound concerning police brutality with police officers using unnecessary or excessive force, committing battery, conducting illegal body searches and bullyingRead MorePolice Brutality And Its Effect On Society1742 Words  | 7 Pagesyourself, what Police Brutality defines itself as? â€Å"Police Brutality is when an officer using more force than necessary to control a situation.†(Smith). Police Brutality occurs with OC spray, batons, stun guns, or handguns. But Police Brutality can also be seen with a use of threats or intimidation. In today’s world, we see plenty of stories all over social media, the news shows live broadcasts on protesters against the Police and excessive force. If you stop and look around, most of the Police Brutality
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Business Process Improvement Free Samples †MyAssignmenthelp.com
Question: Discuss about the Business Process Improvement Solutions. Answer: BPI recommendation An improvement is a tool used to implement solutions to a problem in an organization. This process involves identifying and selecting best solutions. Possible solutions aim at eliminating and reducing root causes, prevent recurring of problems and reduce differences in the problem. The process involves: Identifying solutions through data collection from customers. Selecting and prioritizing better solutions. This will enable achieve the goals of the organization Develop pilot studies to customers so that an error is ascertained early. Carry out a review of customer information and feedback for improvement. Provide recommendations and implementation (Ittelson, 2009, p. 123). The Supplies Limited should aim at delivering orders on time, making changes to customer information and reducing defects while delivering, customers expect the company to: Offer better customer service and delivery Provide real-time distribution of ordered items. Satisfy the clients needs in terms of products and services provided. Understand and prioritize customer needs. Reduce damages during delivery. In the process of satisfying these needs, the Supplies limited need to change in their process systems. They lack an efficient and quick process to enter data, change or analyze customer details in their systems. The main problem is that their systems are slow and much time is taken to retrieve customer information and customer orders from the system to enable get sufficient information. The Supplies Limited need to believe that from the experience they have with the current process they need to improve their processes as well as use new technologies. This will improve their performance in future (George, et al., 2005, p. 23). The organization should do the following to ensure that they improve service delivery: They should have BPI software. This will help reduce problems and save cost. This software will increase the speed of service and minimize possible errors. A good business process will help. All supplies limited need is to reduce costs of operation. When information is well organized and easily visualized it reduces chances of duplication and actions can be easily spotted possible corrections made (Montgomery, et al., 2007, p. 245). Improve BPI communication in the organization. An effective communication will reduce the number of emails shared between individuals. With a good and similar communication tool, information will reach out to all individuals easily and within a short period (Martin, 2014, p. 24). The organization should monitor the process frequently. They should maintain and update the systems frequently to reduce chances of errors. It is more cautious if the companies follow and check the process issues and make improvements where necessary. Account register is used to store customer information and therefore all you need supplies should ensure they have a secured and protected system. This will enable customers to come back for a service without encountering problems. Customer satisfaction is very important in any organization. Customers require the company to offer services on time and therefore it is the duty of the firm to ensure these needs are met. They have to attain this by listening to the customers. VOC is a method that enables managers to collect and analyze information about the needs of the customer. Customers needs differ and they expect different satisfaction from the organization. A good VOC will enable a company to understand the weaknesses of the process and find a possible solution to mitigate such issues. Through the VOC analysis alongside customer segmentation, it will be easy to minimize the complexity providing service to customers (Yang, 2005, p. 213). The business should have a good value stream mapping. This will enable them to monitor and control the flow of activities that are needed to deliver important services to customers. Important information is mapped on the system. The main purpose of VSM is identifying activities that have or do not have value to the customers but are required and those that are not important and need to be eliminated from the system. This is used to create AS-IS situation of the flow of information within the process. The company should visualize and identify opportunities for improvement and therefore VSM is used to improve future state of the process This company should have a better estimate of defects, errors, time and rework for them to develop a proper value stream mapping (Montgomery, 2010, p. 156). The Supplies limited need to validate its opportunities. They should identify the strength and opportunities that need improvement and have some value to the satisfaction of customers. This will enable them to increase the performance of supply chain of retail and industrial products. This is used to reduce product damages and improve delivery time of orders made. The organization should document a process map by use of SIPOC models. This will be used to verify scope and boundaries of information. This model provides a wider perspective of what is monitored and helps managers to define scope and boundaries of customer information. They confirm information of orders made and therefore a quick action is provided (Nave, 2002, p. 243). The Supplies limited should also have a better spaghetti diagram that is a visual diagram representing the path of activity or item in the process. They show the flow of customer information, people, and materials. They will help managers to identify queues and delays in the process and decide on better ideas for improvement. They are also able to identify areas that are congested and paths that have an overlap in order to brainstorm ways of improving workflow (Astin, 2012, p. 267). The Company should use brainstorming to make a clarification, generate ideas and review the real issues for reducing time defective when delivering orders. Managers will be able to generate ideas from the project team. Generating many ideas from different members will help decide a better idea to correct the problem. In brainstorming, individuals are granted an allowance of time to discuss and present their ideas. Managers can gather information then comment on them later. It is effective since it will give clear and consolidated ideas which represent the VOC. Summary table of BPI recommendation Issue Best practice Application Advantage Disadvantage Improving time BPI software Used in Supply chain to increase speed of delivery Reduce cost of defects Reduce time of delivery Expensive to install Order time improvement BPI communication Used by customers and organization to make and deliver orders Reduce delays Language barrier Security of customer information Account register Protect and store customer information Protect and allow changes of customer information Easily manipulated by unauthorized people if not protected Time management VOC Provides problem feedback for improvement Allows improvement Difficult to understand customers Control of system VSM Used to monitor and control flow of activities Easy to identify issues Difficult follow flow of activities Flow of information and action SIPOC model Used to define boundaries and scope of information shared Define required information only Difficult to install References Adlaf, E., Demers, A. 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