Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Learning English as a Second Language Essay Example for Free
Learning English as a Second Language Essay From the content in the introductory part of the WebQuest, It is true that English is common language for the native people but for the non native people it is challenging and requires one to go through a series of classes compounded by determination and willingness to learn in order to understand it well. The thesis statement of the web quest gives an over view of what the rest of the content is all about. It gives the fundamental steps of learning English which involves understanding the meaning of different vocabularies provided and using them in a well structured and grammatically correct sentence. As a teaching material, this WebQuest highlights the main objectives, which will serve as the yard stick of determining whether the intended purpose of the WebQuest is achieved. In addition to this, I give a positive feed back to the way the learning process is arranged. Understanding a word and pronouncing it correctly is indeed the fundamental step in solving the complexity in English as a language. This is because it creates a dovetail for the construction of grammatically and structurally perfect sentences to fit. Team work is undoubtedly important in building confidence among the students. It also enables them to share their difficulties and hence understand the challenges a head of them. Provision of resources is of importance because it gives the whole learning process the originality and reliability it deserves. The evolution process cannot go unaccredited because it will enable the lecturers to know if the objectives were met. However, the WebQuest fails to show what the students should do if they fail the second step of understanding the meaning of the words in the sentences. This in my opinion is crucial for the process of learning English as a second language.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Johannes Brahms Essay -- biographies bio biography musician
Johannes Brahms was a German Composer, Pianist and conductor of the 19th century or the Romantic period. He was one of the 3 B's or the Big three: Bach, Beethoven and Brahms. Johannes was a very self-critic man he burned many of his pieces before he could get anyone's opinion on them and he burned all of his compositions that he wrote before the age of 19. Johannes Brahms was born on Tuesday 7th may 1833, in the city of Hamburg the birthplace also of Mendelssohn. Johann Brahms was himself a musician, and played the double bass for a time at the Karl Schultze Theatre, and later in the Stadttheater orchestra. In 1847 Johannes attended a good Burgerschule (citizens? school), and in 1848 a better, that of one Hoffmann. When he was eight years old his father requested the teachers to be very easy with him because of the time that he must take for his musical studies. Brahms?s boyhood days passed uneventfull. He grew up with his brother fritz and sister Elise amid the poorest surroundings. Fritz turned to music (the Neue Zeitschrift mentions his successful debut at Hamburg in January 1864) was a piano teacher in Hamburg, lived for many years in Caracas, and died at an early age in Hamburg of a disease of the brain. Elise married a watchmaker, much to Johannes? disappointment. As a boy Johannes worked and studied with his father and learnt lessons from books with his mother, with whom he would play ?four-hands? at the piano, ?just for fun.? There were never any doubts as to his becoming a musician. From early childhood he learn everything his father could teach him, read everything he could lay hands on, practiced with undeviating enthusiasm, and filled reams of paper with exercises and variations. The soul of the child went out in music. He played scales long before he knew the notes, and great was his joy when at the age of six he discovered the possibility of making a melody visible by placing black dots on lines at different intervals, inventing a system of notation of his own before he had been made acquainted with the method which the musical world had been using for some centuries. When Johannes was in his tenth year he had made such remarkable progress that Cossel thought it best to secure a more advanced instructor. He was thus put under the care of Eduard Marxsen (Cossel?s own teacher), the royal music director at Altona, who took him unwillingly ... ...for the folksong of his fatherland, which he used as themes for some remarkable variations a musical form, by the way, which he rescued by his masterly treatment form the disrepute into which it had fallen. No career, however, open up before him. He had to continue playing at the low sailors? haunts and to eke out his earnings by giving cheap lessons and arranging popular music for the piano or for brass bands. This hack work continued for what must have seemed a distressingly long time, and it was brightened for him only by the composition of three important works for his instrument, the scherzo in E flat minor (Op. 4) in 1851, the Sonata in F sharp minor (Op.2) in 1852 and the Sonata in C major (Op. I) early in 1853.] It was not only until the spring of that year that he for first time left Hamburg professionally. He undertook a tour with the Hungarian violinist Eduard Remenyi for the purpose of introducing himself and his works. At Gottingen they gave a concert in which the young pianist made a deep impression upon the musicians present. He and Remenyi were to play Beethoven?s Kreutzer sonata, but at the last moment it was discovered that the piano was half a tone too low.
Monday, January 13, 2020
High School Experience
When you start a new school or start a new grade you have all these emotions that run threw your head that may stress you out. When I started high school I had some problems along the way one of the problems I had was getting to school and class on time. Another thing that I had a problem with was all the homework and projects. The last thing that I worried about was making friends. After my first year at Brien McMahon high school I moved across town and went to another school called Norwalk High School. My first year of high school it was really fun and stressful at some points. One of my problems were getting to school and class on time. It was really stressful because the bus would come very early and I would have trouble waking up in the morning. Every first period I was late or missed class it was hurting my grade really bad so I asked my mom if she could bring me to school in the morning. With her bringing me to school it was easier to wake up and get ready for school. My attendance had improved by doing that as well. During the school year I had big problems keeping up with my homework and bringing projects on time. One day I really was tired of getting bad grades so I decided to stay after school and get some extra help for my homework and it help me understand the work a lot better it also help me do better on test and quizzes. When I had a project I would stay after school and get an idea or advice for my project. Staying after school gave me a boost of cofidence in me and my work. After my first year at Brien McMahon I had moved to another school called Norwalk High school. The first week was terrible I didn’t know anybody there which made class very boring. The next week I was in gym class when a group of kids that used to play on my basketball team saw me and made me feel welcomed to the school. I started to sit with them at lunch as the year went by sitting with them I made lots of friends my first year and it ended up being very fun. I graduated at Norwalk high knowing so much people and having a lot of friends when I look back to it im glad I went there and I wouldn’t change it for nothing. When you start a new school or start a new grade you have all these emotions that run threw your head that may stress you out. If you just think about the positive In school you will have a lot of fun and learn a lot. One good reason you should stay in school is because you need a education it will help you in the long run.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Indias Laws Of Manu - 2116 Words
The development of morality and justice in Hindu India, Mesopotamia, China, and Scandinavia differed depending on religion and whether the civilization had a supreme ruler or not. While all four civilizations were religious, Mesopotamia and India were, by far, the most religious. India’s Laws of Manu was anonymously put together and claimed to be the work of Manu (The Laws of Manu, 139), while Mesopotamia’s Code of Hammurabi is a collection of rulings made by the king who claimed was granted rectitude by their god Shamash (The Judgments of Hammurabi, 13). The Analects were a collection of sayings put together by Confucius’ pupils, and Scandinavia’s Saga of the Volsungs were a collection of stories about the Volsung clan. The reason for the†¦show more content†¦The word caste comes from the Portuguese word meaning â€Å"pure†, and would describe the social distinctions well, for the classes were pure - there was a very strict separation betw een the four castes. The Brahmins were the highest class and held the role of priests, the Kshatriyas were the upper class, the Vaisyas were the lower class, and the Sudras were the workers and servants (Griffin, Presentation Day 7). There was no way to move up in the hierarchy in the current lifetime (it was only possible through reincarnation), but switching from Brahmin to Kshatriya was acceptable, as well as moving from Vaisya to Sudra, though they should go back to their correct caste whenever possible (Law of Manu, 142). Women in this society had almost no rights at all; they were considered seducers, though it was preferable to keep them happy. The only property women had the right to was what was given for the wedding, from her family (including the husband after they are married), and what was given to win her over (Law of Manu, 142). According to the Law of Manu, as long as a wife â€Å"obeys her husband, she will for that reason alone be exalted in heaven (Law of Manu, 1 42).†In summary, the job of a woman was to be a mother, and obey the men in her life. However, if the husband is bad, such as being an outcaste or
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