Friday, December 27, 2019
Atomic Number Definition - Chemistry Glossary
The atomic number of a chemical element is the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom of the element. It is the charge number of the nucleus since neutrons carry no net electrical charge. The atomic number determines the identity of an element and many of its chemical properties. The modern periodic table is ordered by increasing atomic number. Atomic Number Examples The atomic number of hydrogen is 1; the atomic number of carbon is 6, and the atomic number of silver is 47: any atom with 47 protons is an atom of silver. Varying the number of neutrons in an element changes its isotopes while changing the numbers of electrons makes it an ion. Also Known As: The atomic number is also known as the proton number. It may be represented by the capital letter Z. The use of capital letter Z comes from the German word Atomzahl, which means atomic number. Before the year 1915, the word Zahl (number) was used to describe an elements position on the periodic table. Relationship Between Atomic Number and Chemical Properties The reason the atomic number determines the chemical properties of an element is that the number of protons also determines the number of electrons in an electrically neutral atom. This, in turn, defines the electron configuration of the atom and the nature of its outermost or valence shell. The behavior of the valence shell determines how readily an atom will form chemical bonds and participate in chemical reactions. New Elements and Atomic Numbers At the time of this writing, elements with atomic numbers 1 through 118 have been identified. Scientists typically talk about discovering new elements with higher atomic numbers. Some researchers believe there may be an island of stability, where the configuration of protons and neutrons of superheavy atoms will be less susceptible to the quick radioactive decay seen in known heavy elements.
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Diversity in Early Education - 1546 Words
One hundred years ago, people did not leave their hometown, much less move their families into multicultural neighborhoods filled with diverse children from all over the planet. However, that is changing. With a more globalized world, minorities are finally represented throughout the country, and diversity is becoming more important than ever. In schools, some has been done to address this drastic reduction in prejudice and increase in opportunities. While completely integrating diversity into classrooms is a challenge due to differences in cultural behavior, and misconceived notions of diversity education, there are many studies which are benefiting multiculturalism and strategies created by these programs to create a truly†¦show more content†¦The students have a difficult time understanding cultural behaviorisms, especially when they cannot have it explained to them on a personal level. Learning language involves cognitive and academic development, and their first la nguages must be involved when learning a new one. Finding the appropriate level of challenging material for students who are trying to understand new concepts in a foreign language is also very difficult, since they must incorporate both the child’s first language, and the new one. (Ludhra 2008). Theories on Education While there are many challenges to diversity, new theories have been developed as to how children learn. These learning styles include Social and Emotional Learning, which includes all types of learning, including empathy and other emotional skills, as well as social behaviorisms that include emotional development (Katz Porath, 2001). Another theory developed to help integrate diversity into classrooms is the Banks Level of Integration. The journal by Henkin and Steinmetz in 2008 provided a way to measure the effectiveness of these programs, Banks levels of integration. He states that there are 5 levels of how to integrate diversity, beginning with contribution, and ending with social action, or involving students and allowing them to â€Å"do something useful†with the concept they learned. Using this method, theShow MoreRelatedChildren With Multicultural And Diverse Experiences849 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction Early childhood providers do many difficult tasks. The hardest task is to provide the children with multicultural and diverse experiences. Since the beginning of time, the extended families, clans, and the communities raised the young children. Even today, many early childhood programs and family child care institutions tend to be similar and homogeneous to the children’s home backgrounds. The common criteria parents use to choose the early childhood programs, and the child care facilitiesRead MoreEssay about Improving Education through Cultural Diversity1087 Words  | 5 Pagestoday’s society, cultural diversity is important as it was many centuries ago. According to dictionary, cultural diversity is the coexistence of different culture, ethnic, race, gender in one specific unit. In order, for America to be successful, our world must be a multicultural world. This existence starts within our learning facilities where our students and children are educated. This t hesis is â€Å"changing the way America, sees education through cultural diversity, has been co existing in manyRead MoreDiversity and Difference in Early Childhood Essay1148 Words  | 5 PagesTOPIC: Diversity and Difference in Early Childhood Education Personal interest: My first awareness of racial identity and diversity occurred when I was in Year 3. 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Objectives †¢ To heightening the awareness of the importance of multicultural literature in early grades. †¢ To prepare educators for diversity in the classroom. †¢ To encourage educators to implement multicultural literature in the classroom †¢ To determine the importance of preparation courses to equip educators for developing multicultural reading curriculum. †¢ To bringRead MoreReflection On Early Childhood Education1198 Words  | 5 Pagesthe past eight weeks, my insights on Early Childhood Education have given me a better understanding of issues and trends in Early Childhood Education. As I mastered this course, I have also become more knowledgeable and understanding of the needs of children and families in my community. Another way that I have been strengthened was through discussions and sharing blogs with my colleagues. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Daisy Buchanan Noble or Hardly Honorable at All free essay sample
Daisy is one of the most central characters in the novel, The Great Gatsby. She is often seen as an innocent southern belle, just a beautiful fool. However, many readers view her in a completely opposite way. She has been noted as quite a dishonorable character, almost more of a villain, in the harshest of descriptions. She is motivated purely by her own comfort and security, which come in the way of money and material items. This sense of monetary motivation seems to affect her in such a way that makes her almost superior to the common working person. Daisy Buchanan can hardly be seen as honorable at all. There are many points throughout the story where her actions are far from noble. She fell in love with a young Gatsby before World War I. He promised her that he would give her the world once he made enough money to do so. We will write a custom essay sample on Daisy Buchanan: Noble or Hardly Honorable at All? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page She in return vowed to wait for him. However, Daisy became tired of waiting. She found another man, this time a wealthy one, Tom Buchanan. She married him in 1919, abandoning Gatsby and all she ever promised him. Her actions at this time show that she was more concerned with her image than with her emotions. Five years later, once Daisy and Gatsby have been reunited with the help of Nick, Daisy becomes unfaithful to her husband and has an affair with her former lover. When Daisy introduces her daughter, Pammy, she explains, â€Å"I hope she’ll be a fool. That’s the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful, little fool. †(21) This shows that Daisy would rather her daughter be well-liked and well-off than well-educated. She has no concern for practicality, only popularity. Daisy seems to have a common source of motivation throughout her whole life. She has no concern for the emotions of herself or others, but rather for her own comfort and security. She married Tom because he was rich, not because she loved him. Daisy wants to be able to rely on the money in her life to bring her happiness. When Daisy says, â€Å"I’ve been everywhere and seen everything and done everything. Sophisticatedâ€â€God I’m sophisticated! †(22), it is evident that she is highly influenced by materialistic possessions and events. One can see, through both her words and actions, that she is responsible for the way people treat her. She has a talent of manipulating people into doing and giving her what she wants. Daisy definitely has power over the actions of others. Such a materialistic attitude towards life has made Daisy into the person we see in the novel. She is manipulative, good at getting what she wants by pretending to be the innocent one. Even Gatsby, a wealthy man himself, can see this when he points out, â€Å"Her voice is full of money. †(120) Daisy is so used to a lifestyle of getting whatever she wants, that she has become quite comfortable with it. Gatsby and Nick, on the other hand, have had to work their ways up to where they are. They have to watch what they say around others, because they cannot afford to be as carefree as Daisy. She is quite self-centered. We see through her clothing choices and her desire to go into town just to rent a room in an expensive hotel, that she can and will throw her money around to get her way. In her first conversation with Nick, in the beginning of the novel, she asks, â€Å"So how are things in Chicago? Do they miss me? †(5) It is almost as though she expects people to miss her, not because of her personality, but because of her wealth and position in the city. She knows that she is superior to all of those in the middle and working classes without ever having to lift a finger. Such a pampered lifestyle has led Daisy to be quite full of herself. Daisy Buchanan, first seen as an innocent girl in white, retrogresses throughout the story into a shallow woman. Her life is based on mo ney and possessions. She has no concern for others or their emotions. One could say, at the end, that Daisy Buchanan is a true literary fiend.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Lesson learned free essay sample
Learning lessons the hard way my mom has always told me to that and education is very important thing to have and dont take it for granted. Sometimes it takes something to go wrong and not In your favor for you to appreciate it. When I first started college as a nursing major I was so excited. Turned in all my work on time and made good grades. I studied all the time and put my school work first. When It came to the second semester of my freshmen year thats when started slacking. Missing class and forgetting about homework assignments.I became more Interested In partying than eventually missing so many days out of my class I recycled a F. And one class after another. Then their was academic probation and after that It was a college dropout. My family was very disappointed. So started working at burger king making runlet wage. We will write a custom essay sample on Lesson learned or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I absolutely hated this Job. It was not what I wanted to do but had to do something If wasnt In school. While working at burger king I came to realize that I had made a big mistake on slacking off In school. Since I was on academic suspension I had to sit out f school a whole year. His full year of sitting out put me so far behind and my goals I had set for myself in the beginning were off track. When the year of my suspension was up I re applied for school. I was accepted but this time I could not receive financial aid. I was so upset. I couldnt afford to pay for school on my own.. I felt like lust giving up on school. After not being able to attend school it made me realize how important it was, and how one mistake can follow you a long way. Two more semesters went by, still working at the same Job that I hated.I decided to reapply for school. Finally admitted and able to receive financial aid. When I received my acceptance letter from Ole Miss I was so surprised and excited. I have learned from this experience. I advice anyone that if you are in school do your best. Turn in all your work and study as much as you can. Partying can wait. You might not always get allowed a second chance like I was. Im truly thankful that I got a second chance at an education and to become a nurse. You never know how important an education is until you u cant get one. Lesson Learned free essay sample An action or judgment that is misguided or wrong. †–Google Dictionary. Everybody makes mistakes. It’s human nature. In most mistakes, there is always good. That is, only if you learn from it. In my situation, I went through a variety of mistakes. Although I do not regret any of them as I would never be where and who I am today. I am happy to say that the mistakes are in the past but the lesson I learned from all of it will never be forgotten. The first mistake I made was lack of judgment. I knew that I was beginning to start to hang out with the wrong crowd. After ignoring numerous signs, including knowing what these people did, I continued to be influenced by them. I never thought it would get to the point of me following in their footsteps, I thought I would be able to control my actions, but unfortunately I proved myself wrong. We will write a custom essay sample on Lesson Learned or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The lesson I have learned from this is to pay attention to what your intuition tells you. If you think you are doing something wrong, or you know it’s bad, then it most likely is. The other mistake was not distancing myself from the bad influences, and unfortunately continuing on to making the decision of shoplifting. From this I have learned that peer pressure is overrated. It’s wrong to pressure anyone into something they don’t want to do, and it’s wrong to give in. At the time, it is hard to realize the positive side of things. Most people only think about what they will think of you and how you will be treated afterwards, and if they’re going to tell others that you’re a â€Å"scaredy cat†or â€Å"chicken†. What it’s hard to see is that in the long run, it doesn’t matter what others think of you. By doing what you think is right, you gain self-respect and by having that, you will gain respect of others. This particular one is very hard to grasp, but I am glad to say I have learned it and will never forget this. I have no one to blame but myself for this wrong doing. We all make decisions for ourselves, maybe sometimes they are heavily influenced but only we have the power to follow through with our own actions. Sometimes it’s hard to break away from the crowd when you know what you are doing is not right. Especially in the moment, but if you build up enough courage, you end up gaining more respect for yourself by doing the right thing. Even though it might not seem like the bad influences appreciate you proving their wrong doing, on the inside, most of them are actually jealous that they can’t do that for themselves. In the song â€Å"Lessons Learned†the lyrics go, â€Å"Theres mistakes that I have made, Some chances I just threw away, Some roads, I never should have taken, Been some signs I didnt see†¦The past cant be rewritten, You get the life youre given, Oh, some pages turned, Some bridges burned, But there were, Lessons learned†–Carrie Underwood. This song basically describes everything that happened, and every time I hear it, I will be reminded of this, and will remember how I am going to move on from this experience and change to become a better person. I do acknowledge that shoplifting is a crime, and I understand the consequences. I will never let this happen again. I am ashamed to say that I have committed the crime, but I am happy that I will be able to put it in the past and move forward with a new perspective and a better attitude about the way I am going to live my life.
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