Monday, September 30, 2019
How to Grow Old
How to Grow Old Bertrand Russell In spite of the title,this article will really be on how not to grow old,which,at my time of life,is a much more important subject. My first advice would be to choose your ancestors carefully. Although both my parents died young,I have done well in this respect as regards my other ancestors. My maternal grandfather,it is true,was cut off in the flower of his youth at the age of sixty-seven,but my other three grandparents all lived to be over eighty. Of remoter ancestors I can only discover one who did not live to a great age, and he died of a disease which is now rare,namely,having his head cut off.A great-grandmother of mine,who was a friend of Gibbon,lived to the age of ninety-two,and to her last day remained a terror to all her descendants. My maternal grandmother,after having nine children who survived, one who died in infancy, and many miscarriage,as soon as she became a widow devoted herself to women’s higher education. She was one of the founders of Girton College,and worked hard at opening the medical profession to women. She used to relate how she met in Italy an elderly gentleman who was looking very sad.She inquired the cause of his melancholy and he said that he had just parted from his two grandchildren. â€Å"Good gracious,†she exclaimed, â€Å" I have seventy-two grandchild, and if I were sad each time I parted from one of them, I should have a dismal existence! †â€Å"Madre snaturale,†he replied. But speaking as one of the seventy-two,I prefer her recipe. After the age of eighty she found she had some difficulty in getting to sleep,so she habitually spent the hours from midnight to 3 a. m. in reading popular science. I do not believe that she ever had time to notice that she was growing old.This,I think,is the proper recipe for remaining young. If you have wide and keen interests and activities in which you can still be effective,you will have no reason to think about the merely sta tistical fact of the number of years you have already lived,still less of the probable brevity of your future. As regards health, I have nothing useful to say since I have little experience of illness. I eat and drink whatever I like,and sleep when I cannot keep awake. I never do anything whatever on the ground that it is good for health,though in actual fact the things I like doing are mostly wholesome.Psychologically there are two dangers to be guarded against in old age. One of these is undue absorption in the past. It does not do to live in memories,in regrets for the good old days,or in sadness about friends who are dead. One’s thoughts must be directed to the future,and to things about which there is something to be done. This is not always easy;one’s own past is a gradually increasing weight. It is easy to think to oneself that one’s emotions used to be more vivid than they are,and one’s mind more keen. If this is true it should be forgotten,and if it is forgotten it will probably not be true.The other thing to be avoided is clinging to youth in the hope of sucking vigor from its vitality. When your children are grown up they want to live their own lives,and if you continue to be as interested in them as you were when they were young,you are likely to become a burden to them,unless they are unusually callous. I do not mean that one should be without interest in them,but one’s interest should be contemplative and,If possible,philanthropic,but not unduly emotional. Animals become indifferent to their young as soon as their young can look after themselves,but human beings,owing to the length of infancy,find this difficult.I think that a successful old age is easiest for those who have strong impersonal interests involving appropriate activities. It is in this sphere that long experience is really fruitful, and it is in this sphere that the wisdom born of experience can be exercised without being oppressive. It is no use t elling grown-up children not to make mistakes, both because they will not believe you, and because mistakes are an essential part of education. But if you are one of those who are incapable of impersonal interests, you may find that your life will be empty unless you concern yourself with your children and grandchildren.In that case you must realize that while you can still render them material service, such as making them all allowance or knitting them jumpers, you must not expect that they will enjoy your company. Some old people are oppressed by the fear of death. In the young there is a justification for this feeling. Young men who have reason to fear that they will be killed in battle may justifiably feel bitter in the thought that they have been cheated of the best things that life has to offer.But in an old man who has known human joys and sorrows, and has achieved whatever work it was in him to do, the fear of death is somewhat abject and ignoble. The best way to overcome it  so at least it seems to me  is to make your interests gradually wider and more impersonal, until bit by bit the walls of the ego recede, and your life becomes increasingly merged in the universal life. An individual human existence should be like a river  small at first, narrowly contained within its banks, and rushing passionately past boulders and over waterfalls.Gradually the river grows wider, the banks recede, the waters flow more quietly, and in the end, without any visible break, they become merged in the sea, and painlessly lose their individual being. The man who, in old age, can see his life in this way, will not suffer from the fear of death, since the things he cares for will continue. And if, with the decay of vitality, weariness increases, the thought of rest will be not unwelcome. I should wish to die while still at work, knowing that others will carry on what I can no longer do, and content in the thought that what was possible has been done . (from Portraits from Memory and Other Essays)
Sunday, September 29, 2019
International Trade Paper
Introduction to Management BU106 The Role of International Trade Harriette Sane-aka Herzing University The United States has been constant in keeping an open market for quite a while and that has helped the production of goods extraordinarily. The Open market was not always the norm, and for most of American history, the United States imposed sanctions on outside imports in an effort to protect those individuals that aim to produce their goods within the shores of the United States from foreign competition.International trade has a rich history starting with barter system being replaced by Mercantilism in the 16th and 17th Centuries. The 18th Century saw the shift towards liberalism. It was in this period that Adam Smith, the father of Economics wrote the famous book ‘The Wealth of Nations’ in 1776 where in he defined the importance of specialization in production and brought International trade under the said scope. David Ricardo developed the Comparative advantage prin ciple, which stands true even today. (Management study guide, 2008) International trade or world trade affects the entire American economy.The early industrial years of American the economy was based entirely on the exporting goods to other countries, and these exports created the revenue need to sustain the country. America would export more products than it needed this created a surplus in the GDP. This began to change in the 1930's when the trade began to change and the country began to import more products. This downward trend led the GDP its lowest point in history. In today's world trade market America's import percentage is somewhere in the mid-60%. The balance of trade in America today is running in a deficit.The U. S. government has created trade agreements the various countries that allow free trade between these countries. This means there are no tariffs, fees or taxes applied toward the good being imported or exported between the countries in the agreement. These countri es include Mexico and Canada that create the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), and Israel. These agreements are not limited to free trade, but other countries such as Jamaica, that need assistance in order to grow economically America has lessened the amount of tariffs need to import good into America. Egmmons, 2005) Ever walked into a supermarket and been able to buy South American bananas, Columbian coffee, different spices from India, and a bottle of South African wine; well that is the role international trade plays in the American society. International trade is also the reason why when shopping for a new car, you can pick between a Japanese, German or American car. International trade is the exchange of goods and services between countries and the trades between different countries and continents have existed for decades.International trade lets us increase the market for foreign products, and bridges the gap between both the importer, and the exporter. As a result of international trade, the market is saturated with products, and merchants in turn have to lower prices of their goods which then allow the consumer to get things for a lesser price because of the availability. We have come a long way since the earlier times and International trade today has taken on new dimension. Today with the advancement of technology and impact of globalization has made it easy for all countries to engage in international trade for their survival.There are many factors of international trade but the most significant parts of international trade, in my opinion; are the history, and the advantages and disadvantages of international trade. According to Patel, they are various advantages are named for the countries entering into trade relations on an international scale such as: International trade enables a country to consume things which either cannot be produced within its borders or production may cost very high. Therefore it becomes cost cheaper to import fr om other countries through foreign trade.International trade helps a country to utilize its resources to the maximum limit. If a country does not takes up imports and exports then its resources remain unexplorted. Thus it helps to eliminate the wastage of resources. Imports and exports of different countries provide opportunities to the consumer to buy and consume those goods which cannot be produced in their own country. They therefore get diversity in choices. By making the size of the market large with large supplies and extensive demand international trade reduces trade fluctuations. The prices of goods tend to remain more stable.International trade enables different countries to sell their surplus products to other countries and earn foreign exchange. International trade fosters peace, goodwill and mutual understanding among nations. Economic interdependence of countries often leads to close cultural relationship and thus avoid war between them. [ (Patel, 2010) ] International trade does not always amount to blessings. It has certain drawbacks also such as the import of foreign goods foreign trade may lead to import of harmful goods like cigarettes, drugs etc. Which may run the health of the residents of the country?E. g. the people of China suffered greatly through opium imports. (Patel, 2010) International trade leads to intensive cultivation of land. Thus it has the operations of law of diminishing returns in agricultural countries. It also makes a nation poor by giving too much burden over the resources. Over Specialization may be disastrous for a country. A substitute may appear and ruin the economic lives of millions. (Patel, 2010). One of the serious drawbacks of foreign trade is that one country may gain at the expense of other due to certain accidental advantages.The Industrial revolution is great Britain ruined Indian handicrafts during the nineteenth century. Foreign trade may lead to war different countries compete with each other in finding o ut new markets and sources of raw material for their industries and frequently come into clash. This was one of the causes of first and Second World War. (Patel, 2010) International trade has a vast effect on trade as a whole because it brings nations together in such a way that had never been done before and it changed the complexity of the way homes and society was run.In Northern America for example, trade brought women out of the traditional roles, and into the workforce which for generations was a male only domain. This is evident even today as women in the workforce now carry roles that at a time were sinful to even think about. International trade is effective in situations like globalization where a country has a need and the other has the ability to negate that need with products that may be necessary to elevate the need or essentially draw the two countries closer.And although the trade agreement has been in place for centuries, they are still a lot of glitches that are st ill being fixed. In October 2011 Congress passed three long-awaited free trade agreements with South Korea, Colombia and Panama, ending a political standoff that had stretched across two presidencies. The move offered a rare moment of bipartisan accord at a time when Republicans and Democrats were bitterly divided over the role that government ought to play in reviving the sputtering economy.The approval of the deals was a victory for President Obama and proponents of the view that foreign trade can drive America’s economic growth in the face of rising protectionist sentiment in both political parties. They were the first trade agreements to pass Congress since Democrats broke a decade of Republican control in 2007. [ (New York Times, 2012) ] International Trade plays a major role in this picture because a country in need would most likely bend easier when situations get extreme or dire. This paves a way for countries that may have one time be neglected to now harness momenta ry bargaining prowess.Even things like Culture has also been affected by International trade because a country that was once self sufficient and as a result would likely never reach out for help now bargains with others that they once despised because the ability to do so is much easier after trade was open. International trade is essential for most countries to operate, or even progress. Most people in the United States wear clothes that were not manufactured here within the boundaries. This situation conveniently makes for a need from a country that was once looked down upon to have a chip to play with.The desire of the consumer usually makes the value of the provider to increase. Egmmons. (2005, May). Studymode. Retrieved January 24, 2013, from Studymode website: http://www. studymode. com Management study guide. (2008). Management study guide. Retrieved january 29, 2013, from Management study guide web site: http://www. managementstudyguide. com New York Times. (2012, September 17). New york Times. Retrieved February 13, 2013, from New York Times Website: http://topics. nytimes. com Patel, F. (2010, july 7). gess papers. Retrieved february 2, 2013, from guess papers web site: http://www. guesspapers. net
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Alcohol and Tobacco
Alcohol and Tobacco Although the public knows about the negative effects of these products, people still continue to use the substances without thinking twice. These products are legal if you are of age, so people will continue to experiment with alcohol and tobacco. On the other hand, drugs are not legal and are not advertised all over the media because they are prohibited in our society. If drugs were legal, experimentation and usage of these dangerous and deadly drugs would skyrocket. The usage of alcohol and tobacco is legal, but the usage of drugs should be prohibited in the United States. A theory is that if a person tries one drug such as marijuana, there is a high likelihood that that person will eventually try a harder drug such as cocaine. This is a very scary thought. If drugs were legal, many more individuals would be trying them. The media would be advertising cocaine like it was voldka. There is a large difference between these two products. People would feel like it was okay to experiment with the drug because its usage was legal. This could be harmful, because everyone can have a different effect to each drug. Drugs such as cocaine and heroin are highly addictive and dangerous. They not only cause damage to the person using but also to surrounding people. I am not trying to undersize alcohol and the damage it can cause, but at least there are laws against driving while intoxicated so that you can prevent yourself from harming another individual. Tobacco use affects your body in the long run, but other than second hand smoke, it does not directly put others in danger. Certain drugs can make a person spiral out of control and make them do certain things that they would never do if they were clean. A counter viewpoint is that drugs should be legalized because it is a person choice to use or consume whatever they wish. Advocates of legalizing drugs say that people will use drugs if they have the desire to whether it is legal or illegal. They mention that what is the difference between tobacco and alcohol versus drugs. Alcohol can be just as damaging to other people as drugs can be sometimes. The United States is a free country where we can speak how we feel and do how we feel and no one can tell us how to live our life. They say that if people want to use alcohol, tobacco and illegal drugs, they should have the freedom to do so. Both sides make valid points, but I definitely feel that drug usage would contaminate our society even more. Alcohol and Tobacco Although the public knows about the negative effects of these products, people still continue to use the substances without thinking twice. These products are legal if you are of age, so people will continue to experiment with alcohol and tobacco. On the other hand, drugs are not legal and are not advertised all over the media because they are prohibited in our society. If drugs were legal, experimentation and usage of these dangerous and deadly drugs would skyrocket. The usage of alcohol and tobacco is legal, but the usage of drugs should be prohibited in the United States. A theory is that if a person tries one drug such as marijuana, there is a high likelihood that that person will eventually try a harder drug such as cocaine. This is a very scary thought. If drugs were legal, many more individuals would be trying them. The media would be advertising cocaine like it was voldka. There is a large difference between these two products. People would feel like it was okay to experiment with the drug because its usage was legal. This could be harmful, because everyone can have a different effect to each drug. Drugs such as cocaine and heroin are highly addictive and dangerous. They not only cause damage to the person using but also to surrounding people. I am not trying to undersize alcohol and the damage it can cause, but at least there are laws against driving while intoxicated so that you can prevent yourself from harming another individual. Tobacco use affects your body in the long run, but other than second hand smoke, it does not directly put others in danger. Certain drugs can make a person spiral out of control and make them do certain things that they would never do if they were clean. A counter viewpoint is that drugs should be legalized because it is a person choice to use or consume whatever they wish. Advocates of legalizing drugs say that people will use drugs if they have the desire to whether it is legal or illegal. They mention that what is the difference between tobacco and alcohol versus drugs. Alcohol can be just as damaging to other people as drugs can be sometimes. The United States is a free country where we can speak how we feel and do how we feel and no one can tell us how to live our life. They say that if people want to use alcohol, tobacco and illegal drugs, they should have the freedom to do so. Both sides make valid points, but I definitely feel that drug usage would contaminate our society even more. Alcohol and Tobacco
Friday, September 27, 2019
I have not . could you chose it Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
I have not . could you chose it - Essay Example The determination of insolvency options is not dependent on the type of purchases made. The type of purchases or indebtedness is irrelevant at this time. The law does not differentiate as to type of debts.1 Therefore, neither I nor anybody is in a position to do so. This is sought to be rectified by the new Act of 2007 whose provisions are to take effect in 2010. Act 2007 specifies the types of indebtedness to be included in the specific Insolvency Option. It is dependent upon the amount of benefits she receives; how much is left over after tax deductions and normal household expenses as disposable income; and, the amount of her indebtedness.2 Since these factors were not clearly indicated in the facts of the case, I will discuss all insolvency options. After that a listing of the possible range of benefits she is receiving to determine what option will suit her situation the best will be made based on people under similar situations. Finally the best possible option will be recommen ded. The Debt Relief Order (DRO) is aimed at providing debt relief.3 The debtor must obtain the services of an approved intermediary. This is a skilled debt adviser who helps a debtor apply with the Insolvency Service for a DRO. Courts do not take cognizance of this. This order lasts for 12 months. Creditors explicitly named in the order are not allowed to collect from the debtor or file any action to recover their money. After the 12 month period and the circumstances of the debtor do not change, he will be freed from all debts mentioned in the order. To qualify for a DRO, the debtor must not be involved in another formal insolvency procedure at the time of application and has not been a subject of a DRO within the last 6 years. He must be living or doing business in England for the last 3 years. He can own a car with a maximum value of  £1000.00 and assets not exceeding  £300. His indebtedness must be less than
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Logistics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 2
Logistics - Essay Example The essay intends to determine how supply chain capabilities of Johnstons of Elgin, a company dealing with manufacturing and retailing woven as well as knitted products, have enabled it to attain a competitive advantage. Moreover, the extent up to which the business model of Johnstons can be applied to companies in other industries would also be described in the essay based upon the provided case study. Organisations functioning in this modern day context often have to face challenges in developing and delivering quality and innovative products/services to their customers globally with the aim of attaining superior competitive position. Several factors can be found associated as a cause of these challenges. These include increased level of globalisation, pressure created by the competitive forces to innovate technologically advanced production or supply systems and growing complexities in managerial ideologies among others (CEVA, n.d.). In this similar context, supply chain capabilities support the business organisations to attain a superior competitive positioning in the form of offering quality products to the customers by way of focusing more on main competences, recognising the outsourcing trends and following the procedure of vertical disintegration in the operational strategies. As generally believed, proper and effective utilisation of various sorts of supply chain capabilities can certainly aid in making quality procurement decisions, which in turn can enable the modern business organisations to attain a superior competitive positioning over their chief rivals (Crown, 2012). It would be vital to mention that the prime facets of supply chain capabilities not only support the modern business organisations to attain superior competitive positioning but also enables their respective business to sustain in this competitive landscape. In this regard, the characteristics of supply chain capabilities fundamentally
To what extent is it fair to characterise delegated legislation as a Essay
To what extent is it fair to characterise delegated legislation as a practical necessity that undermines important constitutional principles - Essay Example This paper first gives a quick rundown on the constitution of the United Kingdom and the place of delegated legislation in it vis-à -vis the concepts of separation of powers and parliamentary sovereignty. Only then will it start exploring delegated legislation beginning with its definition, its rationale, its types and controls, when it is considered invalid, and finally its advantages. Next would be the problems associated with delegated legislation, particularly its relevance to Montesquieu’s theory; and its disadvantages as legislation. Another section on its being a practical necessity would follow, and then a conclusion. Towards the end, the paper will make a stand and show that while delegated legislation may be a practical necessity that may undermine important constitutional principles, the extent will only be when proper checks and balances are provided. The constitution of the United Kingdom is an amalgam of statute law, precedent, and tradition dating as far back to the time of King Henry I in the 1100s.1 Uncodified, UK’s constitution is said to have been historically guided by certain conventions like a system of checks and balances which protect citizens against the abuse of executive power, respect for the liberties of the individual, and trust in the political process.2 Over the years, constitutional conventions have been considered more important than written constitutional provisions in interpreting one’s task with the uncodified constitution 3 The informal nature of the UK constitution may be said to inherently welcome the lack of constitutionalism concept. The executive is drawn from the legislature, Parliament, since the UK has a Parliamentary system of government.4 Because the government is â€Å"fused" with Parliament, governments have no formal control on their legislative power. In 1976, in fact, the phrase
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Analysis paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3
Analysis paper - Essay Example reations inspired by phenomenal aspects related to human emotions and cognition to serve its function, and developed from one or multiple of art elements. Production of art utilises different components. Artists produce different effects using elements such as colour, textures, shapes, lines, dimension and space. The ability to use lines of diverse lengths and thicknesses and taking a particular direction tend to signal an action that perhaps other elements cannot produce. Colour has got critical purpose in producing effects whether used alone or in structures produced using other elements as shapes. It benefits the art through the hue, its intensity in brightness or dullness and value in terms of lightness or darkness. By joining lines together, flat shapes, either geometric or irregular forms can be created to express drawings. Art can arise from use of 3-dimentional objects that allow the artists to control their appearance. Such structures are expressed through length, width and height. Texture gives the feel of an art (e.g. rough or smooth) and allows viewers to relate with it as they do in reality. Art can also be produced under the illusion of space. Art productions grow with time and are inspired by certain happenings in particular moments. Some art pieces were created several centuries ago, but have been recreated severally which all show certain divergence in appearance, finishing and aesthetic quality. Art has proved not to be limited by time. Hence an art piece can best be described in the time it was developed. It has transformed from the stone-age art when expressions were mere carvings and sculpts on the walls and stones. Then came the clay works, but today they have expanded to the computer aided graphics. It’s not merely about a tangible piece, but more of feel as in choreography and music. Art has come to encompass great dynamism and complexities through use of advanced technology to incorporate motions and different visual impressions that
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Advertisement Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Advertisement Analysis - Essay Example Various advertisement strategies appeal differently to the consumer. It is important to choose an advertisement strategy that will go in line with the product being advertised. A good example of an advertisement strategy is the one that make use of the Rhetorical Triangle to best appeal to the consumers. The three components of Rhetorical Triangle that are out into consideration in regards to appeals made by the advertiser include Ethos, Pathos, and Logos. In order to appeal to a large pool of clientele, the message intended for advertisement has to meet specific specifications. The message has to originate from the sender pass through suitable channel to the intended audiences. When considering advertising, it is essential to take into consideration the product being advertised. This is because a different products appeal to the consumer’s in diverse ways. The reason behind applying strategies that will result to bringing more clients is for the enterprise to attain big ma rket share coupled with evading stiff competition. This is especially from the same players whereby due to employee retention predicament may lead moving of employees to the already established corporation. The application of Rhetorical Triangle is significant because it enhance advertisement appeal to the intended consumer. Hausman, Daniel M., and Brynn Welch. ""Debate: To Nudge or Not to Nudge*."Debate: To Nudge or Not to Nudge. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Mar. 2014.
Monday, September 23, 2019
TEACHING ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION TO SPANISH SPEAKERS - Research Paper Example The literature review chapter discussed about the speech sounds, vowels, consonants, speech organs, and production of sounds in a critical manner. The literature review served the purpose of dealing with the research topic in an in-depth manner. It was found that the correct pronunciation is dependent on positioning of tongue and lips and also the movement of air within and outside the mouth and nose. The literature review added great deal of value for the later chapters. The research methodology chapter explained the reason behind selecting the anti-positivism research philosophy and inductive research approach along with the use of questions and graphics for enhancing the pronunciation of students in a well planned manner. This chapter explained the methodology to be used in analysing the major outcomes of the research. The proposed framework chapter explained the framework to be used in enhancing the pronunciation of students. In this regard, Kenilworth’s English Pronunciation Skills as a form of questions along with a number of graphs highlighting the lips and tongue movement, speech organs, and how vowels and consonants are produced and pronounced were used in an illustrative manner. The conclusion and recommendation chapter concluded that enhancing English pronunciation is requires continuous effort along with proper understanding over the production of speech sounds, sound movement, and vowels and consonants production and pronunciation . English has emerged as one of the main languages being spoken in different parts of the world. The global environment seeks people having command over English in terms of communication and exchange of ideas and views. English is a global language that is used for the purpose of communication in countries where it is not a native language. However, with global boundaries shrinking and people exploring different opportunities in different parts of the world,
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Samsung Group Essay Example for Free
Samsung Group Essay The name â€Å"Samsung†according to the founder of the group Lee Byung Chull a migrant of a large land owning family in Uiryeong county to a city called Daegu where he founded Samsung Sanghoe explained that it means â€Å"tristars†or â€Å"three stars†; the word â€Å"three†represents something big, numerous and powerful. The â€Å"stars†represent â€Å"eternity†. Samsung has undergone lots transformation before being the giant Samsung it is today and it has proven to withstand the test of time where most Asian companies have dissolved during the Asian financial crisis. Its first product was a black-and-white television set. In the 50’s, when the Korean War broke out; Lee was forced to leave Seoul and start a sugar refinery in Busan[-gt;1] named Cheil Jedang[-gt;2]. After the war, in 1954, Lee founded Cheil Mojik and built the plant in Chimsan-dong, Daegu. It was the largest woollen mill ever in the country and the company took on the aspect of a major company. After the founders death in 1987, Samsung Group was separated into four business groups – Samsung Group, Shinsegae Group, CJ Group and Hansol Group. Shinsegae (discount store, department store) was originally part of Samsung Group, separated in the 1990s from the Samsung Group along with CJ Group (Food/Chemicals/Entertainment/logistics) and the Hansol Group (Paper/Telecom). Today these separated groups are independent and they are not part of or connected to the Samsung Group. In the 1980s, Samsung Electronics began to invest heavily in research and development, investments that were pivotal in pushing the company to the forefront of the global electronics industry. Our main purpose in this section is to declare what kind of tools we are going to use to analyze the competitive advantage of one of Samsung Group’s subsidiaries – Samsung Electronics. Any company in the business world would want to maintain and achieve competitive advantage if it intends to really survive the scheme of its rivals. One of these ways is to conduct a strategic analysis of the company. This enables us to adjust and monitor the position of the company, exploit new opportunities, and prepare for rainy days. There is one way of doing that- conducting a strategic evaluation of the company. According to Peter Drucker â€Å"unless strategy evaluation is performed seriously and systematically, and unless strategists are willing to act on the results, energy will be used up defending yesterday. No one will have the time, resources, or will to work on exploiting today, let alone to work on making tomorrow†. In other words, strategic evaluation gives the company a feel of or connection to the business environment it is operating in. Strategic evaluation is vital to the organization’s well being. Strategic evaluation includes three basic activities: examining the underlying basis of a firm’s strategy, comparing expected results with actual results, and taking corrective actions to ensure that performance conforms to plans. Samsung Electronics is the worlds largest mobile phone maker[-gt;8] by 2011 unit sales and worlds second-largest semiconductor chip maker[-;gt;9] by 2011 revenues (after Intel Corporation[-;gt;10]). It has been the worlds largest television manufacturer[-gt;11] since 2006 and the worlds largest maker of LCD panels for eight consecutive years. It has the largest market share worldwide in memory chips[-;gt;12]. The company is the worlds largest vendor of smart phones[-gt;13] since 2011. Samsung has also established a prominent position in the tablet computer[-gt;14] market, with the release of the Android[-gt;15]-powered Samsung Galaxy Tab[-gt;16]. This section of the paper is meant to access and assess the strategies they have been applying since their existence and to advise them on the strategic options available to them now and in the future. In this paper we would use the following analyses: SWOT analyses, PEST analyses, Porter’s Five Forces, Strategic Group and the VRIO model analyses. SWOT is the acronym for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats surrounding the business in its environment. In other words, it guides you to identify the positives and negatives inside and outside your organization. SWOT analysis is the most renowned tool for audit and analysis of the overall strategic position of the business and its environment. Its key purpose is to identify the strategies that will create a firm specific business model that will best align an organization’s resources and capabilities to the requirements of the environment in which the firm operates. In other words, it is the foundation for evaluating the internal potential and limitations and the likely opportunities and threats from the external environment. The strength and weaknesses give you an insight of your internal advantages relative to other companies and disadvantages relative to other companies, in other words, it measures the competitive advantage. They are usually the factors that you have control over. The opportunities and threats are considered to be the external factors that you have no control over; it could be technological change, legislation, socio-cultural change, etc. The opportunities and threats give you an insight of the factors that the organization can exploit to it advantages and the factors that could cause trouble for the business. Pestel is an acronym for political, economical, social, technological, environmental and legal analysis. It describes a framework of macro-environmental factors used in the environmental scanning component of strategic management.  ·Political factors are basically to what degree the government intervenes in the economy.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Environmental Sustainability In The City Of Dubai Tourism Essay
Environmental Sustainability In The City Of Dubai Tourism Essay Over the recent years, has Dubai evolved to a more sustainable and eco-friendly city? This paper explains the current sustainability of Dubais construction and other means. It shows that the city has a certain lack of awareness toward the more eco-friendly living and society. Evaluating the lack of the residents initiations toward a more eco-friendly city shows that the Dubai has no requirement to be sustainable. However, the current sustainability is being improved. Many people, such as Pradeep Parmar, founder and owner of Enthusiasm Star Ltd. has tried to introduce a more sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative to plastic bags in supermarkets around the city and the country. Jute bags are more sustainable towards the environment and he is trying to implement that into the society of Dubai. Shirish Patel, an architect who has been living in the UAE for more than fifteen years, has also tried to give more sustainable options to the projects that he has worked. In an inte rview with him, he had outlined the current pros and cons of Dubais sustainability and eco-friendliness. He also suggested that some ideas for a more sustainable and eco-friendly city. In conclusion, although many sections of Dubai are not the most eco-friendly out of all, the city is trying its best to be as sustainable as possible and they can improve on these if they try to implement some of the concepts and ideas that were introduced and outlined by Shirish Patel and Pradeep Parmar. If Dubai tries a bit harder and aims to complete their goal of total sustainability, they may just be able to reach another milestone once again. Table of Contents Abstract†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.1 Table of Contents2 Introduction..3 Current Positive Effects of Sustainability..4 Current Negative Effects of Construction†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.6 Possible Improvements on Dubais Sustainability8 Conclusion11 Works Cited†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.13 Introduction: In 2005, Dubai was rated as the highest carbon footprint city in the world, as conducted with a research by the WWF Living Planet 2008 report. The UAE has been found to have the carbon footprint of about 9.5 global hectares. As a result, the UAE was ranked as the 45th highest carbon footprint country. The United States is the second largest carbon footprint country while Kuwait ranks in at third. There are quite a number of factors that outline Dubais current sustainability. The are the positives factors, such as the implementation of economically friendly public transport systems such as buses which can decrease the amount toxic pollution that is given off by heavy duty cars. In an interview with Shirish Patel, this method is discussed and analyzed more thoroughly. There are also negative factors of sustainability in Dubai such as the emission cuts and the costs of doing so. Being a new technology, sustainability is not very well known among architects who have been constructing maj or buildings such as the Burj Al Arab and the Burj Khalifa. In addition to the negative factors of sustainability, improvements of how to implement sustainability with low costs are discussed in detail with Shirish Patel in his interview. All of these factors affect the sustainability of Dubai but the true question is that over the recent years, has Dubai evolved to a more sustainable and eco-friendly city? 1st Paragraph In todays time, Dubai is most known for its luxurious lifestyle, the massive boom in construction and its ability to reach milestones in this field with the Burj Khalifa. Also it is known to be the most attractive city in the whole of the Middle East. Soon, Dubai could become the next New York City. But with so many buildings and structures that have been erected, sustainability to the environment is also a major cause for the depletion of the ozone layer in certain parts of the world. Dubai has many building with eco friendly leads such as the newly constructed Burj Khalifa and the Emirates Towers on the Sheikh Zayed Road. In an interview with Shirish Patel, an architect from the UK and has been living in the UAE for more than 15 years of his life. His input on this idea and current situation is merely based on his personal experience of living and working in this country. He believes that Dubai is trying to create a more environmentally friendly city by implementing such positive f actors such as the eco-friendly public transport systems such as buses. Also, to make life easier for many travelers in the country where heat is the main climate for around eight months, creating stations where people can sit indoors and wait for the buses to arrive. This is positive as people need not to wait in the heat but can relax in the cools of the Air conditioning system while they wait for their transport to arrive. Dubai also tries to save energy and recycle as much as possible by constructing the buses from used metals and other wastage that may be of use. He also believes that Dubai is able to improve their current sustainability on buildings by implementing new methods of construction and living. For example, many buildings could implement the new technology of solar paneling and the ability to use fiber optic wires to channel the energy collected from the solar panels and convert them to energy to give electricity to certain areas of the building. Other implementation s could be the reduction of the A/C system in certain areas of the building and the usage of natural air usage to cool the office during the times when heat is most unbearable. For example, the if a company was working in a building during the summer months, then the natural air that was stored during the winter months could be slowly used in the office. Also, the use of lights during the daytime in schools or public places should be eliminated as enough light is emitted from the Sun and the implementation of more windows could aid this situation. Many other methods of energy saving and ethical energy storage could be implemented in this situation. Aside from these implementations, the Green Building Council of UAE has tried to help with this current situation. The Green Building council is the group that was formed in the US to help sustain the over usage of energy and other methods of sustainability. Over the years, the Green Building Council has expanded to many countries and in 2009, they moved to the UAE after looking at the amount of carbon footprint that the country was making. Along with the government of Dubai, the Green Building Council has been a major part of the implementation of sustainability in the UAE for all of the major buildings and monumental sections of the city. Currently, Dubai remains at the top of the carbon footprint list, although currently actions are being taken to change the ways and methods of their expansion. 2nd Paragraph Although Dubai has taken the precautionary methods to sustainability within the city, many inhabitants are not satisfied with the methods of sustainability. For example, people are not willing to turn off the lights during the daytime as they complain that they are unable to see what they are doing. By doing this, residents are wasting unnecessary amounts of electricity during the times when it is not needed. For example, schools in Dubai use a significant amount of electricity during the day. This example is completely based on personal experience. Instead of using so much electricity during the day, they should possibly consider saving that electricity since schools run during the daytime and there is enough sunlight during the entire day. A possible extension of windows in the classrooms could aid the problem of students being unable to see in class. The schools should only be using the lights when natural sunlight is not available, such as during the winter months. Even then, the bulbs in for the lighting should be refitted with fluorescent lights, as they are much more efficient in energy conservation. Another method of conservation is possibly the implementation of intelligent building to new structures that are arising and to accumulate this method into current buildings around the city of Dubai. Intelligent Building is a concept that has been developed recently. Starting out in the US, this concept has established itself in many major countries such as the US, UK and many more. Basically, the concept behind this method was to create a system that will allow humans to remain in their comfort zones, along with controllability of the state-of-the-art technology. For example, a person would go into their room in a hotel and the computer would recognize the occupant. Then according to the calculations of the occupants current body heat, the air conditioner level is adjusted. There are many other advanced features like those and it is also manually adjustable by the occupant. Unfortunately, the costs of these projects and initiations are too overpriced since there is a certain lack of architects and engineers that are experienced in this field of work. Since there is a lack of resources, the cost of bringing these people to the city and paying them to implement their concepts of sustainability can be difficult. Also, in the current market conditions, many people will seek the opposite of this idea of involving these people since not only will it be expensive to bring them to the city and to supply them with the necessary materials, but it mean that construction and labor costs will be increased since it requires more depth. In an interview with Shirish Patel, he speaks about the unaccounted usage of water bottles and plastic bags in the country. He says that they should eliminate the amount of water bottles around the city and/or keep them exclusive to hotels and restaurants. These water bottles are unnecessarily being filled up in land fills around the city. One of the main reasons that people do not recycle is because there is no external power that requires them to do it. For example, although it is not a national law, states such as New York and Seattle enforce fines on citizens who throw away certain recyclable items. If Dubai implements such laws towards the residents of the city, Emiratis and Foreigners, then the amount of wasted recyclable items would drastically reduce. Also, the usage of plastic bags should drastically be reduced. Implementation of paper bags or the new concept of jute bags should be added in the supermarkets and other bazaars. Enthusiasm Star, a company that has specialized with jute bags in Dubai has introduced these concepts to big supermarkets such as Carrefour, Hyperpanda and other major supermarkets in the city. There are many other ways to conserve energy in Dubai but I do believe that the city is making some form of an effort to make itself a more environmentally friendly location . 3rd Paragraph In 2007, Enthusiasm Star Ltd. began an initiation to bring a product that was interesting and reusable at the same time. Jute bags were, and in some areas, is a popular trend of the Indian community. Pradeep Parmar, the Managing Director of Enthusiasm Star Ltd., says he had seen this trend for many years of his life in India. When he realized what waste plastic bags can do to environment, he decided to implement these bags to the market in Dubai. He had penetrated the strongest market available, the supermarkets. Instead of supplying the bags himself, he had pitched the idea to major supermarket brands such as Carrefour and has had many successful deals with this new concept. Today, many people use these bags as they completely reusable and quite efficient. Viewing this trend emerge in the market, many other brands, such as Gulf News, the leading newspaper company in the UAE, began giving free jute bags with a subscription of their magazine to promote the idea of conservation. If the UAE does continue to move forward in this fashion, they could be well off as a more conservative country. Although, Dubai could do much more to bring their city and the name of the country to a more sustainable and conservative location. Numerous opportunities have arisen to create a more eco-friendly society. Hotels in the UAE are quite sustainable in the current times but there could be more to help that. For example, when a new occupant checks into their room, the in-room refrigerator should be kept off unless the occupant should choose so. By doing this, the hotel will eliminate the usage of valuable electricity. Also, the bulbs in the room should be replaced with fluorescent lights to help conserve the energy. Another idea could be to refurbish the entire hotel with the Intelligent Building concept. If current and upcoming hotels would install this concept, then they would see a dramatic increase of media attention, which could boost up their sales. Since this concept is fairl y new and has been tested in the US, the hotels would be likely to assess the pros and cons of installing this new technology. It would save a lot of energy which could then be implemented in other areas of the city. Besides hotels, Dubai could also conserve energy by reduction of cars in the city. Currently, Dubai has installed eleven Metro stations around the city while thirty-six are still under construction. Once all of these stations open up, then the need of cars would be unnecessary. This would reduce the amount of petrol that is being used and the pollution that the cars are causing toward the city. Along with transportation, many people would like to ride bicycles in and around the city but there is not proper walkway or lanes around the city to implement this. If there are lanes for cyclers around Dubai, then the amount of people driving would also drastically reduce. More than the transportation that should be changed, it should be the infrastructure. Buildings around Dub ai are one of the most un-efficient and pro-wastage and they should be changed. For example, buildings should be refitted with the Intelligent Building concept and/or they should be able to conserve energy with other methods. Some other methods could be to implement recycling stations in each building. Also it should be made that the inhabitants and/or workers should be fined if they do not comply with the recycling law. Some other methods could be to conserve power in the buildings at all costs. For example, buildings such as office buildings use lights during the daytime, which uses quite a bit of energy. Many offices have windows all around the floor, so natural light is able to provide enough for the inhabitants to work during the daytime. For offices with deeper spaces, the new technology of fiber optics can help pipe in natural light to those certain office spaces. Along with the improvements of lighting in buildings, the air conditioning could be another factor. Since the air conditioning is another factor in energy conserving, the option of natural wind should be an alternative. During the winter months, the cool air should be collected and stored to be kept for the months when the heat is most unbearable. Unfortunately, since the winter months are too less in this region of the world, this option could be unsuccessful. If this option is unavailable, then energy conserving air conditioners should be implemented. By this, it means that the A/C would run for some time until the room is cool, and then switches off. All of these ideas have been outlined by Shirish Patel during the interview that was conducted. If Dubai is able to continue to sustain itself in the energy conserving world, and try to implement some of the ideas that are mentioned above, then the city is sure to be recognized not only for the amazing architecture and tourist locations, but also for the environmentally sustainability that they have been trying to accomplish. Dubai could soon b e well off known as one of the most sustainable cities of our time. Conclusion Dubai has been known as one of most carbon footprint cities in the world in 2005 and since then the city has been trying to do everything it can to eliminate that title. Dubai, also known as the concrete jungle of the Desert, has been on its way to create and break milestones and records. But with all this construction and developed going along in progress, the downturn is that they have not been paying attention at the sustainability of the buildings and other major factors in the city. Some examples are the unaccredited buildings in the city, the current Metro transportation system, the inefficiency of the cars in the city and the lack of residential facilities such as lanes for bicycling and walking. These only some of the problems around Dubai. However, Dubai has been doing its part toward the community by implementing some of the major sustainability concepts into the most known buildings in the city, such as the Burj Khalifa and the Emirates Towers. Shirish Patel, an architect who has been living in the UAE for more than fifteen years, has experienced the positives and negatives of living and working in the country and watching this expansion grow over time. In an interview conducted with him, he had outlined the necessary measures for Dubais sustainability towards their expansions overall. He suggested that Dubai introduce improvements to buildings and landmarks all over the city, and the efficiency of the citys transportation systems. For example, he suggested that people should reduce the amount spent in cars and the government should request the residents to use other transportation means such as the newly developed Metro system and other basic transportation systems such as the bicycles and walking. He also suggested that the government create lanes for cyclists in the Dubai to roam around more freely than they actually do. Other basic improvements were that supermarkets should change their methods of using plastic bags to simple paper bags and/or ju te bags. Pradeep Parmar, founder and owner of Enthusiasm Star Ltd., has helped introduce the jute bag system in the UAE in an effort to reduce the amount of plastic bags that are being used in and around Dubai. Many of these ideas for sustainability are able to be enforced by the general public in the UAE and if they could help initiate a more green and sustainable lifestyle in the UAE, specifically in Dubai, then the city is bound to receive more and more support from countries which have already implemented many of these ideas into their own cities. So, the question remains: Over the recent years, has Dubai evolved to a more sustainable and eco-friendly city? I believe that the city has not become fully sustainable and eco-friendly but they have been implementing an effort to do so.
Friday, September 20, 2019
The Internet Movie Database :: The Internet Movie Database
â€Å"The Internet is a communications tool used the world over where people can come together to bitch about movies and share pornography with one another†(Smith, Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back). Society uses the Internet as a way to shout out their opinions about any particular issue. The entertainment industry is commonly scrutinized by these online vocalists; thankfully for their sake, although sometimes it doesn’t seem like it, the Internet audience does provide positive feedback as well. Movies are commonly dissected online; viewers like to explain every little thing that they liked about a particular movie as well as tear a movie limb from limb. The Internet Movie Database ( is one of the most popular sites for such movie critiquing. The site has many features that satisfy the needs of most movie buffs, and because of this site, people can come together and share their opinions of movies as if they were Roger Ebert themselves. It is the complet e experience that one can have on the Internet Movie Database such as the involvement and the amount of information that can be explored (not just read) that make the Internet such a major part of many people’s lives. The Internet Movie Database is a website that allows the user to find a seemingly infinite amount of information. You can type in the name of your favorite actor or actress and find out everything that they have ever done in the movie industry, whether it be acting, producing, writing, special effects, or anything else that you can think of. The site also provides any information available for future projects. Beyond the world of movies, you even get information of the television shows that they may have been a part of and even what video games they may have provided a voice for. Many of the actors and actresses also have a small section that provides trivial information about their lives. These are all some pretty cool features; however, the best parts of this website are the movie rating system and the message boards. The rating system is based on a 1 – 10 scale, and it uses a weighted average. The ratings section also provides charts of ratings for different age groups, sex, and the combination thereof, along with US and non-US citizens, Top 1000 voters, and the staff of The message boards provide lots of commentary about any particular movie, the stars of the film, or any social issue that may be represented in it.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Orthopraxy In Islam Essay -- essays research papers fc
Orthopraxy in Islam      Islamic life is centered on the physical practice of prayer (salat). With that the religion of Islam itself is based in the methodical movement through which Muslims show their devotion to Allah. The prayer begins with the devotee standing, bending slowly into a sitting position and ending in full prostration. Bowing fully onto the ground is a practice that shows humility and represents the true devotion of members. Practice-centered religion differentiates itself from â€Å"orthodox†religion in that it focuses primarily on ritual practice, rather than theology or doctrine, orthodox meaning â€Å"correct opinion†. The most visible orthodox religion of America is Christianity. Christianity centers life around the opinions of the church with less emphasis on purity and behavior. Islamic life is distinctly based on what can be defined as â€Å"orthopraxy†or the importance of religious practice. The orthopraxy of Islam can be seen in at least th ree of the Five Pillars of Islam, salat, Ramadan and the hajj, which are also representative of Muslim faith and duties.      Salat, as mentioned earlier, is the performance of prayer five times a day. The prayer, which includes full prostration, is performed facing Mecca. In the The Meaning of the Glorious Koran, (the earliest source of Islamic writing as dictated to Mohammed), it is written, â€Å"Whencesoever thou comest forth (for prayer, O Mohammed) turn thy face toward the Inviolable Place of Worship. Lo! it is the Truth from thy Lord. Allah is not unaware of what ye do (Surah 2:149).†Implicit directions for prayer also display the amount of emphasis on practice. Salat must be performed five times daily, at specific times of the day: early morning, noon, mid-afternoon, sunset, and evening. Each Friday a congregational service is held at the mosque and every male is required to attend. Before prayer, four ritual aspects are required: ritual purification, proper covering of the body, proper intention, and facing Mecca, or qibla (1). The emphasis on purity is directly associated with prayer, as one must not be impure in any way when one prays. The ritual impurity associated with everyday living is known as najasa or hadath. Najasa is external impurity including but not limited to, urine, blood, pus, feces of animals and humans. Hadath is impurity of the soul... ...ractices of The Five Pillars of Islam, the original and continually practiced rituals of Muslims. The difference also involves the lifestyle of the Christians. In most Christian sects/denominations there is no encounter with personal circumambulation, prostration or ritual covering of the body. These physical aspects of Islam truly separate it from what can be considered orthodoxy. The faith and duties of Islam are inside of the practices performed. The Islamic people practice strict physical rituals that correspond directly with their belief system. The Five Pillars of Islam exemplify the practices of Islam in that they require physical practice including worship, behavior and ritual cleanliness. The practices are followed obediently by Muslims and are seen as enhancing the relationship one has with Allah. As Dr. Denny says, â€Å"Islam†¦on the other hand, view[s] religion as a way of life and a ritual patterning of that life under God’s lordship (1).†Works Cited 1.     See Frederick Denny’s book, An Introduction to Islam pages 112-136. 2.     Pickthall, Mohammed Marmaduke, ed. The Meaning of the Glorious Koran. Mentor, NY, NY.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Cover Bands :: essays research papers
Is the cover a good thing or a bad thing? Are there any cover songs that you have heard and have grown to like more than the original? Perhaps there are songs that you have heard and have later come to the realization that it is indeed a cover song. This is the case for me. However, my feelings on cover songs vary depending on the particular instance. I think the cover is a good thing now days. There are many new songs that I have heard and have later realized that it is a cover song. I probably would have never heard the original song if it wasn’t covered. On the other hand, in the 50s when rock and roll was building a foundation for itself, I believe that cover songs were a bad thing.      First, I would like to explain why I believe that cover songs are now a good thing. â€Å"Behind Blue Eyes†covered by Limp Bizkit is a song that I would have never heard had it not been covered. The Who originally recorded this song in 1971. Limp Bizkit is an alternative band that many younger people have great interest in. Many people my age are not as interested in what is now called â€Å"Classic Rock†as they are in alternative music. Therefore, this song would have never been heard if it wasn’t for Limp Bizkit. Another good example of a song that has been covered is â€Å"Simple Man†by Shinedown. This song was originally recorded by Lynyrd Skynyrd in 1973. This is another example of a song that younger generations would not have heard if it wasn’t covered by Shinedown. However, a person may ask â€Å"Is it fair for the original artist if one of their songs is covered?†I believe the answer to this question is yes. M any artists that have covered songs have also had their songs covered. This causes a never-ending loop of music that seeks different genres of music and also people of different ages.      On the other hand, I believe that cover songs in the 50s were a bad thing. These songs were covered for different purposes than they are today. Race was the primary issue as to why many songs were covered. Perhaps the key song for rock and roll that has been covered is â€Å"Rock Around the Clock†originally recorded by Sonny Dae and His Knights in 1954.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
A Lifetime of Student Debt? Not Likely by Robin Wilson
Nicole Minabe Professor Parker RWS 280 March 10, 2013 The Beauty of Student Loans I owe $40,000, I owe $60,000, I owe $100,000. Isn’t that a lot of money for one person to owe? Graduates have been faced with a serious problem brought about by the constant borrowing of money to gain a reputable education. The debt of loans varies from person to person but the extreme amounts that individuals owe is something the media finds worth gossiping about.Little does the public know, in reality, all the commotion and conversation about these debts are not accountable for the majority of college borrowers. According to A Lifetime of Student Debt? Not Likely by Robin Wilson, she intrigues her targeted college audience by giving examples and providing awareness that most individuals are paying back their students loans within a timely manner with just a few sacrifices. Wilson emphasizes that the real reason individuals have an outstanding debt is because â€Å"they are determined to attend their dream college, no matter the cost†(257).There are various reasons why students take out loans and Wilson is determined to clear up the confusion of student debt, she encourages college students to take out loans even with media’s negativity, and lastly she tries to enlighten this targeted college group that debts are repayable with additional sacrifices but in the end, that debt was the best decision they have ever made. The majority of individuals overhear media and see newspapers headlining the outrageous student loan stories. Is it going to be the careful story driven by the data, or is it going to be the headline that can scare people? †(258). The media will seek attention-grabbing news by focusing on a headline that will scare millions of individuals. According to a CNN report in 2006, â€Å"they called student loans A Life Sentence and said: Forget about getting married and buying a home. This generation is thinking about next month’s paymen t†(258). While the media blasts out these so-called facts circling around the nation, college students are being frightened by the idea that student loans endure a negative impact.Not only is the media spreading the word but also graduates who have student loan debts themselves. In other words, â€Å"a lawyer with $100,000 in education debt started a Facebook campaign urging the government to free us of our obligations to repay our out of control student loan debt†(256). Due to the nations unawareness, the actuality of student debt is coming out from hiding. Despite the large number of headlines or media emphasizing on outrageous student debt, there is a vast majority of graduates who have and can pay off their loans.As the prominent economist himself, Mr. McPherson states that, â€Å"there are 65% who face debt, the average they owe is around $20,000. That’s just below the starting price of a 2009 Ford Escape†(257). He is arguing that if a necessity su ch as a car has a starting price close to the average debt, graduates should reconsider and realize that their problems aren’t as substantial as one might believe. Many individuals are so astounded they create panic among themselves and others that make the idea of debt a larger issue than it really is.One of the causes for the outrageous debt is due to individuals borrowing an amount more than necessary. In A Lifetime of Student Debt? Not likely, Wilson states that, â€Å"about 8% of undergraduates borrow at least double the national average†(257). According to financial aid experts, â€Å"over borrowers†capture most of the media’s undying attention and frighten the targeted college audience to discourage them from taking out loans. An â€Å"over borrower†named Darla M. Horn, wanted to get far away from a small town in Texas and is trying to pay off her $80,000 undergraduate student loan.She states, â€Å"I could have gone to a public school i n Texas for less, but I wanted to go to New York and start a new life†(263). For instance, Darla wanted specific attributes when deciding on how to spend her money on her education system. But what she needed was guidance from an expert to better strengthen and to further understand the consequences of â€Å"over borrowing†. In Wilson’s example she believes that there should be no reason for â€Å"over borrowing†and the total cost of an education consisting of books, classes, and living expenses cost around the weighted average.Due to the biggest setback of students who are determined to go to the college of their dreams tends to put a hole in their wallet. In other words, Mark Kantrowitz, publisher of FinAid states, â€Å"students want to be able to pay for the school they have wanted to go to for as long as they can remember, and they are willing to do whatever it takes†(258). These college students unnecessarily pull out large sums of money, w hich consequentially result in an outrageous amount students realize they can’t afford to pay back.Furthermore, a second situation that causes large debts is going to graduate and professional schools. Those schooling debts are way more expensive than the typical undergraduate debt. As Wilson argues, â€Å"medical school graduates borrowed on average of $113,661. But this higher debt makes sense for people who earn degrees in law, business, and medicine because they are much more capable of landing high-paying jobs and paying off larger loans†(259). These situations are the exceptions to the average student loans, which get confused on a daily basis.Wilson isn’t trying to discourage students from going to graduate school, but she is informing individuals about the end results. She also emphasizes those students whom go onto higher education to be confident their job afterwards will be able to manage such high debt. Normally, in situations like these, graduates tend to score better paying jobs to counter this large sum of money owed. A number of economists have suggested that, â€Å"borrowing for any kind of higher education is a smart idea. College is a good investment, and most students take out too few loans, not too many†(260).On the one hand Patrick M. Callan, president of the National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education argues, â€Å"the only thing worse than borrowing, is not borrowing and not going to college at all†(260). It is highly encouraged that students do get a higher education and according to the Project on Student Debt, â€Å"many more students are borrowing now compared with a decade ago†(261). Due to the rising number of borrowers, the education systems are getting more expensive but individuals still see the importance of getting an education in which experts are fully emphasizing.Additionally, a third reason why people have such high debt is caused by the family’s religious in terests. â€Å"For families who believe deeply in the mission of a Christian college, this is a school they’ll spend any amount of money on. This will make a huge difference in my kid’s life that is beyond income, more so whether their kid is going to go to church on Sundays or whether they will raise their own kids in the church†(266). The parent’s values are a crucial deciding factor when allowing their children to attend schools.Wilson decides to emphasize on this topic because parents who have set ethics for their son or daughter justifies an idea that they have to follow even if it might be an expensive option. The previous situations of those individuals who have enormous debt, higher than the average borrower, leads academic advisors to convey awareness on borrowing only what is necessary. According to a academic advisor, Mr. Saleh, â€Å"we can advise students about what we think is right, and we will caution students but if they have the legal ability to borrow the money, we cant prevent that from happening†(265).Some universities are also helping to take action to gain more awareness such as, â€Å"New York University has begun contacting high-school seniors it has admitted to make sure they understand the debt lad they could incur if the enroll†(265). Even with these extreme debt outliers, there are a lot of individuals that are able to create a living and make the best of their situation. As Robert A. Sevier VP at Stamats Inc. states, â€Å"they are graduating from college with $20,000 in debt; they are going to graduate school, getting jobs, and buying homes within their means†(266).An out of state graduate from Bryan College had a student debt of $30,000. Due to this debt, Robert has to make some sacrifices such as driving a beat up car and not buying the biggest or best house on the block. But even with these set backs, Robert and his wife are still able to get by. He states, â€Å"we definit ely have been able to live like normal people, we have satellite TV, Internet, and we both have cellphones†(266). Robert knows he could of went to a different college in his state but he felt that the lessons taught at Bryan College wouldn’t be lessons he could not have learned from another university.When it comes to entertainment or weekend activities, â€Å"the couple usually rents movies for $1 and visit their families who live nearby†(268). Robert is content about his selection of going to an out of state college but he has to make a few adjustments to his present life. Another individual, Sara who graduated from University of Iowa has a student loan debt of $23,000. The sacrifices she makes is, â€Å"every weekday her and her husband take their 9 month old bay to the babysitters house, drops Sara off at her office, and then the husband drives himself to his own office†(268).Due to the student loans, Sara â€Å"sacrifices and limits themselves to only having one car, didn’t buy the most expensive house, continues to breast feed their baby, use cloth diapers, and on weekends they get together over potluck dinners with other couples†(269). But in the end, Sara thinks every dime she spent on her education was worth it. She was also smart enough to not borrow more than she could reasonably pay back, knowing her intended major.Sara claims, â€Å"I have a car, a house, a baby, and I’ve been able to move forward with my life†(269). If Sara and her husband wanted anything more expensive, the couple would be able to save up for more luxurious items. Since Sara became â€Å"borrowing literate†, she will pass on that knowledge to her daughter so she can start saving at a young age to lower the cost of potential debt. In conclusion, Wilson portrays an analysis for raising certain debt issues and uncovers individuals with counter examples to support her argument.She uses this argumentative diction thro ughout her entire short story to resolve the current confusion her targeted audience experienced and emphasizes the importance of borrowing even if it causes debt. Also, the way she structures her story starts off with the problem statement about the confusion of student loans, the negativity that media portrays on debts, and lastly the personal stories to counter the argument to accentuate that graduates can still partake in a normal life with subtle scarifies where they say debt was the best decision they have ever made.Wilson decided to structure her story in a way to exercise her expertise so the target audience understands the big picture. Additionally, Wilson is warning those individuals who attend a more expensive college, to be aware of the costs entailed and know future sacrifices will follow. The education system is continually growing in expenses and she fully emphasizes to not fall into the trap of becoming an â€Å"over borrower. †Works Cited Graff, Gerald, Cath y Birkenstein, and Russel Durst. â€Å"They Say, I Say†: The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing : With Readings. New York: Norton, 2012. Print.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Tred Paper
The story of the prodigal son started with the younger son that asked his father to give him his portion of the family’s inheritance then the son got what he wanted and went off on a long journey to a distant land and began wasting his fortune. When the son ran out of money, he took a job feeding pigs. He was so poor that he was willing to eat the food for the pigs. One day, the son realized all his faults and he finally came into his senses. He remembered his father and decided to return home to ask for forgiveness and mercy. His father welcomed his son with open arms. Due to the father’s happiness, he ordered his servants to prepare a celebration. Meanwhile, the older son was not happy when he came home, working the fields, only to find out that there was a party for the return of his younger brother. The father tried to prevent the older brother for being jealous and the father said â€Å"You are always with me, and everything I have is yours. So, from what I think, the younger son was selfish and immature for asking his part of the family’s inheritance even if that the father was not dead. Second, when the younger son took the job of feeding the pigs and even eating the pig’s food, it shows that he had sunk as low as he could possibly go. The son represents a person living in rebellion to God. I think that before we come into our sense, we should first experience failures. Third, the father is the image of the Heavenly Father. God is a symbol of love and is patient. He helps us when we return to him with humble hearts. He is not interested from what we have done in the past but forgives us. Lastly, the older son represents an image of the Pharisees. By being self-righteousness, they forgot to be a happy when a sinner returns to God. I think that the bitterness and resentment are what kept the older son to forgive his younger brother.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Drug Addiction and Thesis Statement
Drugs addiction is a problem faced by many people of the world, it is a topic that interests many writers, and they wish to write an essay on drugs for this topic. Drugs are very harmful and keep the capability of dragging an individual towards death and destruction. People all over the world want to eradicate the adverse situation of drug addiction from this world and this is the reason why they are busy in writing essays on drugs.Essays on drugs are of many types such as war on drugs essay, essay on performance enhancing drugs in sports, essay on drug abuse, essay on illegal drugs, essay on drug addiction, essay on drug use, essay on drugs and alcohol and essay on drug testing, etc. The essays on drugs should be initiated by bringing in the information related to the topic of the essay on drug. You should know what drugs are.In an essay on drugs, you will have to write about drugs, their affects and the reasons due to which people use them, you have to include the information about why the drugs are so famous and how harmful are they. A persuasive essay on drugs will be one, which will be according to the topic of the essay on drugs. It should have a full-fledged introduction, which should introduce the topic completely. The introduction should also have a thesis statement that should be the main idea of the essay on drugs.A thesis statement should be based on the essay question to which your essay on drugs is an answer. A thesis statement of an essay on drugs can be one sentence or more than one sentence but it is suggested that it should be only one sentence. Essays on drug abuse or essays on drug addiction should be written by arranging the ideas in a format that should be understandable. You should divide your ideas in different paragraphs for an essay on drug abuse or for war on drugs essay.One paragraph should contain one idea and should not go towards a second idea, as it will reduce the comprehensiveness of the paragraph of essay about drugs. The essa ys on drugs should be written by researching the topic of drugs thoroughly so that the writer can depict information knowledgably. If you feel disturbed by an exercise of writing an essay on drugs, you can also get plagiarism free essays on drugs from custom writing websites, which are there for your assistance and support in terms of writing essays on drugs.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Overpopulation and Water shortage Essay
Increased life expectancies as a result of advances in science are causing overpopulation. In the west immigration and increased life expectancies are causing overpopulation. This directly translates to various economic and social problems for all the residents in an area due to the increased strain in resources. While there is increased need for other countries to adapt better policies that will improve the living conditions for its residents and curb the need to immigrate, nations have to address the issues that are resulting from overpopulation. These issues arising from overpopulation include starvation due to increased population, reduced food supplies and increased prices of food. In addition there is an increasing danger of water shortages in the world due to overexploitation of water resources. The issue of water shortages also arises from the changing global climatic patterns which have resorted from global warming as a result of climate unfriendly practices such as deforestation from increased need for land to settle on and increased air pollution due to increased number of industries and emissions. Systems such as healthcare have also not been spared from strain due to overpopulation and people are receiving lower quality medical care resulting to more deaths. Environmental degradation and overexploitation of available natural resources is a result of overpopulation. Populations are polluting the environment more by inefficient waste disposal mechanisms and increased air and water pollution. Overpopulation results to overcrowding and increased levels of unemployment which has led to increased poverty, more injustices, violence, hunger and an increase in spreading diseases. Human beings like all other species depend on natural ecosystems self regulating processes for supply of basic life support processes such as the purification of air, decomposition of waste, climate regulation and the supply of water. Water is a natural renewable resource that will automatically self renew. However this is when all other natural processes are held constant. An increase in the population of people living in an area to an amount that will bring a strain to all natural resources is called overpopulation. The integrity of all these ecosystems is compromised by the strain and as a result there is either insufficient water supply or a compromise in the quality of water (Zuckerman & Jefferson, 56) There is a world wide crisis over water. According to the recent report by the United Nations, the problems arising from water shortages cannot be ignored. More than thirty one countries are currently facing dire water shortages. More than a billion of the world’s population is facing water scarcity or is lacking access to clean water for drinking. The reports published by World Bank predict that by 2025, more than two thirds of the world population will have insufficient water (Cooper, 16). The amount of water being consumed is on an upward global trend and is doubling every two decades due to the increasing populations and needs. At the same time, the available water resources are under the constant threat of pollution, depletion and overexploitation in a bid to meet the rising needs. Countries and municipal systems have proved inefficient in the provision of sufficient and safe water to the constantly increasing population. In addition the most crucial aspect to this dilemma is the strain the over population is placing on the existing water resources. Illinois is the fifth largest state in the United States with a population of more than 12. 4 million people. More immigrants are moving to Illinois and experts predict a slow but rapid increase in the state in the future. Illinois has always been thought to have ample water supply. The fact that Lake Michigan has constantly supplied Illinois with water has always given residents security in water supply. Researchers have raised concern over this current trend of affairs and have predicted that in the next fifteen years Illinois will be facing possible water shortage crisis. Cities in the south like Chicago and Bloomington used cooperative agreement with the surrounding California states to limit their water consumption. In the Chicago area, similar to other parts of the continent, awareness on the looming water crisis as experienced by other states in the south has resulted in local and state officials implementing measures that will allow conservation of the fresh water supplies and ensure that water is more efficiently used by the residents (Zuckerman & Jefferson, 64). Illinois as a state has realized the importance of addressing impending water crisis before they become a reality. The solution to the looming water shortages in Illinois were first geared towards increasing the number of water supplies in the state by digging more wells and aquifers. There was an outcry by environmental conservationists and as all the stakeholders began to realize that this approach would not last them long, they initiated a better strategy into the 21st century. This approach is on better management of the already established supplies. To this ideal, numerous water conservation programs have been established at the regional level that are geared towards the application of better water saving approaches at the individual level. In addition they advocate for residents to use water efficient appliances as well as fixtures. The battle over water resources at the Southern states has created awareness among all the US states and the politicians and policy makers have geared their efforts towards addressing the threat of water shortages. Illinois is one of the eight states of United Sates of America which approved the Great Lakes Compact. This is an initiative by the southern states to protect the five great lakes by restricting and regulating access to them thereby ensuring a constant safe supply of water for those Southern Sates in the future. There is a rapid growth in all the towns in Illinois and due to this the demand for water has increased. This has translated to higher water consumption and Illinois is approaching the maximum allotted limit from Lake Michigan. These limits have been in use since 1985 after being decreed by the Supreme Court in 1967. Researches have been analyzing the possibility of utilizing alternative water supplies such as Aquifers for meeting the growing water demands. They discovered that the aquifers would only sustain water use up to 2030 if the populations’ consumption remained stable. Under the growing population strain and the corresponding rising need for more water that would not be enough for sustaining the population (Cooper, 20). Sufficient fresh water which is of good quality is vital for any state to sustain the various people and animals living there. Water is a basic need used for drinking and bathing, irrigation, sustaining fisheries and other crucial services in a state (Shah, 90). There is a global change in the climatic conditions and this has led to the eventual and rapid disappearance of critical ecosystems not only in Bloomington but also in other cities all over the world threatening the continuous supply of water for their increasing populations. The situation at hand in Bloomington is that which is being faced by all the other cities all over the United States. Bloomington city is located in the center of Illinois southwest of Chicago. It is the largest county in Illinois with a population of more than 64. 8 million. Bloomington is the fastest growing city in Illinois and recorded a population growth of more than 20%. There is an increased trend over the last few years due to increased immigration. The city council of Bloomington is working towards the expansion of the Monroe WTPs’ capacity. They are attempting to address this issue by using membrane filtration to bring the additional flow to provide population with sufficient water. Bloomington is major city in Illinois. The main source of drinking water for Bloomington city is Monroe Reservoir. Lake Griffy and Lake Lemon supplement the water supply. In Bloomington, the main regional water conservation body is campaigning for addressing both quality and quantity water issues for Bloomington’s rapidly growing population. Among the recommended strategies they have given to improve the quality of water they are advocating for planting green roofs and eliminating the use of chemical fertilizers. This is because the chemical residues are eventually drained off to the lakes and the water reservoirs. In addition residents are dissuaded from over exploiting fossil fuels and instead using alternative energy (Shah, 102). To address the issue of water shortages the city has focused on implementing measures that will reduce water use for the growing population. They have recommended and are facilitating the implementation of better strategies which will lead the way towards the achievement of a self sustainable biosphere in the light of the increasing population. These include the installation of low flow shower heads, introduction of machines that maximize washing loads, ensuring roof run off is not wasted and is instead used for irrigation and landscaping with native plants that are water efficient. Experts have also advocated for the installation of ultra flow sanitary units, better washing machines and more water efficient sprinkler systems (Shah, 86). The increase in the human population is inevitable and the state and city policy makers have had to address the issue of the increasing strain in natural resources including water. For this approach to be successful, Bloomington like other cities needs to engage a more cyclical approach which will be more efficient and cost effective to ensure long term future sustainability of water resources for its growing population. Bloomington seems to be taking initiative towards implementing this model by an increase in recycling strategies, decreasing the water consumption and toxic releases to the water sources and air. The Bloomington city government seems to have acknowledged the need to do more in regard to establishing initiatives that are addressing the impending overpopulation crisis. To this regard, they have established a commission on sustainability that addresses issues regarding the establishment of policies geared towards conservation of the already available resources. The mayor signed the climate protection agreement and implemented city council resolutions which are Kyoto protocol friendly. These have worked towards reducing the soaring green gas emissions which are targeted towards stabilizing global climatic conditions (Zuckerman & Jefferson, 76). The town needs to increase the North’s supply by incorporating Lake Lemon and Lake Griffy as well as the Bean Blossom Creek. This would only be more slightly expensive than the current model and would supply water to a larger region and would serve as a better supply alternative for Lake Monroe. Other sources that would end the impending crisis would include investing in ground water supplies. Aquifers in the north would supplement the water supply but this would require an intensive study and analysis to ensure that they are a safe alternative for sully of water for consumption. Both of these approaches would ensure reliability in supply but in the light of the growing populations there is need to do more to ensure that these supplies will be consistent and will supply water for the populations. More crucial to implementing any conservation approach is the need to create water awareness campaigns for the residents. There is need to translate the soaring water costs and the reasons behind it so that communities can actively participate in implementing the recommended approaches. REFERENCES Ben Zuckerman & David Jefferson, Human Population and the Environmental Crisis, New York: Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 1996, 18-78. Anup Shah, Ecology and the Crisis of Overpopulation: Future Prospects for Global Sustainability, Northampton: Edward Elgar publishers, 1998, 86-162. Mary H Cooper, Water Shortages: Is There Enough Fresh Water for Everyone? , Washington: CQ Press, 2003, 16-35.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Movie Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Movie Review - Essay Example The actions of both Kevin O’Donnel and Sean Miller amply convey this fact. â€Å" Our society in the West has, quite literally, an investment in perpetuating the myth of an evil force... Without it, movies and writing would be less interesting because evil villains represent in some powerful manner the way many people perceive the world†(R. F. Baumeister, W.H. Freeman & Co, 1996). People often think of evil as what is outside of them, and even if an evil action is chosen, there is a justification since there is something good in the expected outcome. This is the outlook of the terrorists. The discussion shows how people can be properly be made aware of the dangers of terrorism and how realistic the two movies are in conveying the facts regarding terrorism. In the movie Patriot Games, we see the fear of terrorism casting its spell throughout the life of Jack Ryan and his family. He and his family are on a visit England. He has worked as an intelligence agent in the U.S. A. his helps him to be vigilant. He is also making use of his London vacation for his research, as he is writing a book. He has met his wife Cathy an ophthalmological surgeon and daughter Sally and they are discussing where to go for dinner that evening. At that time there is an explosion behind them. He gets his family under cover and sees three men attacking a Rolls Roys. Taking advantage of his perfect position to interfere, he charges in and kills one man and has wounded another. The men are from the Ulster Liberation Army (ULA), an ultra-violent off shoot of the violent Provisional wing of the Irish Republican Army (PIRA). Now he becomes a local hero in England, as the occupants of the car he saved are the members of the Royal Family. But the head of the ULA Kevin O’Donnell is quite upset. Sean Miller, who had planned the operation, who is now caught, is also furious at Jack’s interference. The PIRA is also not happy with Kevin O’Donnell for attacking the Royal
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Herzog and de Meurion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Herzog and de Meurion - Essay Example Herzog and De Meuron manage to preserve their identities as modernist architects. Their early works cite significant inspiration from the minimalist art of Donald Judd. Both also regard Joseph Beuys as an important motivator to their designs as they collaborate with different artists in each individual project. From the formation of their architectural partnership in 1978, Herzog and De Meuron evolved to be the best in their field. From simple styles of rectangular-inspired architectural designs, the complexity of their adventure in the phase of the Modernist Movement allowed them to adopt and develop complex and dynamic geometric shapes and patterns for their designs. Along with the maturity of skill and technique, innovation when it comes to the use of materials is also taken into account. Herzog and De Meuron’s imagination led then to the use of exterior materials such as silkscreened glass to the down-right simplest plywood (Craven). All of these, no matter how grand or si mple, no matter how expensive or cheap, work to the advantage of these Swiss architects. Both are significantly considered as important figures in architecture. They are regarded as primary institutions when it comes to modernism. The honor they received in 2001 through the prestigious Pritzker Architecture Prize (Craven) was but a tiny complement as compared to the reputation they had built upon the development of their careers as architects. With much said about the prestige of both architects, it is also important to note that the most important development in the lives of both as professionals occurred upon their designation as primary architects of the 2008 Olympic Stadium in Beijing or more famously known as the Bird’s Nest Stadium. It was in that moment that the modern architects almost went into a conversion of style, adhering to the rules and tenets of post-modernism. However before
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Anheuser Busch and Harbin Brewery Group of China Essay
Anheuser Busch and Harbin Brewery Group of China - Essay Example It is because of this fact that no particular local player emerged as the leading national beer producer in the country. The government intervention in the market is not up to that extent as normally considered by outside players. Since the industry experience very small margins and mushrooming of the low cost producers of regional level therefore there is a greater threats of substitutes for AB to enter into the market. As discussed in the case that no international beer brand has been able to make in-roads into Chinese Consumers subtly suggest the level of strong presence of substitutes developed according to the taste buds of the local consumers. The lack of market space for the leading beer brands of the world suggest that the substitutes have strong presence in the market and pose a greater threat. The threats of substitutes are from moderate to High. If the basic use of beer is just to quench the thirst of the consumer than the threats of substitution can be high however since Chinese consumer prefer to have some level of liquor in it therefore the scope of substitutes get bigger as wine and liquor products also become direct substitutes of our products. It has been the strategy of Chinese government to allow the entry into the Chinese Market through the formation of Joint ventures with the local companies in order to help the local players to gain technology and management expertise. Thus the biggest barrier to the entry into the market is the fact that companies looking for making in-roads into the Chinese Markets have to find local players to pair with as they themselves cannot start the sort of Greenfield projects. The current experiences in the Chinese Market suggest that the companies that have brought in foreign capital in the country has been not been able to sustain in the longer run therefore they have to look for the local players to take over their stakes in the
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