Friday, December 27, 2019
Atomic Number Definition - Chemistry Glossary
The atomic number of a chemical element is the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom of the element. It is the charge number of the nucleus since neutrons carry no net electrical charge. The atomic number determines the identity of an element and many of its chemical properties. The modern periodic table is ordered by increasing atomic number. Atomic Number Examples The atomic number of hydrogen is 1; the atomic number of carbon is 6, and the atomic number of silver is 47: any atom with 47 protons is an atom of silver. Varying the number of neutrons in an element changes its isotopes while changing the numbers of electrons makes it an ion. Also Known As: The atomic number is also known as the proton number. It may be represented by the capital letter Z. The use of capital letter Z comes from the German word Atomzahl, which means atomic number. Before the year 1915, the word Zahl (number) was used to describe an elements position on the periodic table. Relationship Between Atomic Number and Chemical Properties The reason the atomic number determines the chemical properties of an element is that the number of protons also determines the number of electrons in an electrically neutral atom. This, in turn, defines the electron configuration of the atom and the nature of its outermost or valence shell. The behavior of the valence shell determines how readily an atom will form chemical bonds and participate in chemical reactions. New Elements and Atomic Numbers At the time of this writing, elements with atomic numbers 1 through 118 have been identified. Scientists typically talk about discovering new elements with higher atomic numbers. Some researchers believe there may be an island of stability, where the configuration of protons and neutrons of superheavy atoms will be less susceptible to the quick radioactive decay seen in known heavy elements.
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Diversity in Early Education - 1546 Words
One hundred years ago, people did not leave their hometown, much less move their families into multicultural neighborhoods filled with diverse children from all over the planet. However, that is changing. With a more globalized world, minorities are finally represented throughout the country, and diversity is becoming more important than ever. In schools, some has been done to address this drastic reduction in prejudice and increase in opportunities. While completely integrating diversity into classrooms is a challenge due to differences in cultural behavior, and misconceived notions of diversity education, there are many studies which are benefiting multiculturalism and strategies created by these programs to create a truly†¦show more content†¦The students have a difficult time understanding cultural behaviorisms, especially when they cannot have it explained to them on a personal level. Learning language involves cognitive and academic development, and their first la nguages must be involved when learning a new one. Finding the appropriate level of challenging material for students who are trying to understand new concepts in a foreign language is also very difficult, since they must incorporate both the child’s first language, and the new one. (Ludhra 2008). Theories on Education While there are many challenges to diversity, new theories have been developed as to how children learn. These learning styles include Social and Emotional Learning, which includes all types of learning, including empathy and other emotional skills, as well as social behaviorisms that include emotional development (Katz Porath, 2001). Another theory developed to help integrate diversity into classrooms is the Banks Level of Integration. The journal by Henkin and Steinmetz in 2008 provided a way to measure the effectiveness of these programs, Banks levels of integration. He states that there are 5 levels of how to integrate diversity, beginning with contribution, and ending with social action, or involving students and allowing them to â€Å"do something useful†with the concept they learned. Using this method, theShow MoreRelatedChildren With Multicultural And Diverse Experiences849 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction Early childhood providers do many difficult tasks. The hardest task is to provide the children with multicultural and diverse experiences. Since the beginning of time, the extended families, clans, and the communities raised the young children. Even today, many early childhood programs and family child care institutions tend to be similar and homogeneous to the children’s home backgrounds. The common criteria parents use to choose the early childhood programs, and the child care facilitiesRead MoreEssay about Improving Education through Cultural Diversity1087 Words  | 5 Pagestoday’s society, cultural diversity is important as it was many centuries ago. According to dictionary, cultural diversity is the coexistence of different culture, ethnic, race, gender in one specific unit. In order, for America to be successful, our world must be a multicultural world. This existence starts within our learning facilities where our students and children are educated. This t hesis is â€Å"changing the way America, sees education through cultural diversity, has been co existing in manyRead MoreDiversity and Difference in Early Childhood Essay1148 Words  | 5 PagesTOPIC: Diversity and Difference in Early Childhood Education Personal interest: My first awareness of racial identity and diversity occurred when I was in Year 3. 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A discussion on inclusive practice will be apparent along with the roles and responsibilities of the educators withinRead MoreFor The Past Two Decades, Canadian Population Is Increasingly1439 Words  | 6 Pagesfrom refugee or immigration’s families. Therefore, early childhood education is responsible to create multicultural practices that benefits young children to their cognitive and social developments, and protects them from bias and discrimination. Multicultural education provides enormous merits to children social and emotional developments. Firstly, teaching multicultural diversity is one way to build children’s self confidence and skills. In the early ages, children need to be taught about the feelingRead MoreStudents Are Not Entering The Classroom With The Knowledge And Understanding Of Multicultural Education762 Words  | 4 Pagesfor staff developments and in-services to help educate teachers on ways to provide multicultural literacy awareness in primary schools. Objectives †¢ To heightening the awareness of the importance of multicultural literature in early grades. †¢ To prepare educators for diversity in the classroom. †¢ To encourage educators to implement multicultural literature in the classroom †¢ To determine the importance of preparation courses to equip educators for developing multicultural reading curriculum. †¢ To bringRead MoreReflection On Early Childhood Education1198 Words  | 5 Pagesthe past eight weeks, my insights on Early Childhood Education have given me a better understanding of issues and trends in Early Childhood Education. As I mastered this course, I have also become more knowledgeable and understanding of the needs of children and families in my community. Another way that I have been strengthened was through discussions and sharing blogs with my colleagues. On the other hand, researching professional early childhood education topics and viewing multimedia presentationsRead MoreEmployment Opportunities Within The Field Of Family And Consumer Sciences Essay944 Words  | 4 Pagesfield of Family and Consumer Sciences. These areas of work include: Apparel Textile Design/Merchandising, Dietetics, Education, Food Nutrition Sciences, Human Development Family Science, Hospitality, Interior Design, Nutrition Fitness, Communications, and Consumer Economics Financ ial Planning (AAFCS Career Source, 2016).I am interested in pursuing a career in the education field. I am looking specifically into becoming a preschool teacher. According to the Department of Labor, preschool andRead MoreThe Classroom Environment Should Look And Feel Welcoming For All Children949 Words  | 4 Pages Diversity is what makes each person in a classroom different from each other, even though you could be the same color of the person sitting next you, does not mean you are the same. The classroom environment should look and feel welcoming for all children. So it can show the diversity of the world in which we live in. Children should be provided with essential information about who they are and what is important, making an effort for this to happen creates a setting that is rich in possibilitiesRead MoreThe Structure Of The American Family Structures933 Words  | 4 Pagesfamily structure while teaching diversity The Many Kinds of Families in Our Communities by Julie Edwards describes the many different types of family structures and a brief description of each one. The next article in my research by Lin, Lake Rice comes from the Teacher Education Quarterly titled Building Relationships Between Teachers and Diverse Families. This article is very helpful as it brings teachers, stu dents and parents together to discuss teaching diversity and understanding diverse family
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Daisy Buchanan Noble or Hardly Honorable at All free essay sample
Daisy is one of the most central characters in the novel, The Great Gatsby. She is often seen as an innocent southern belle, just a beautiful fool. However, many readers view her in a completely opposite way. She has been noted as quite a dishonorable character, almost more of a villain, in the harshest of descriptions. She is motivated purely by her own comfort and security, which come in the way of money and material items. This sense of monetary motivation seems to affect her in such a way that makes her almost superior to the common working person. Daisy Buchanan can hardly be seen as honorable at all. There are many points throughout the story where her actions are far from noble. She fell in love with a young Gatsby before World War I. He promised her that he would give her the world once he made enough money to do so. We will write a custom essay sample on Daisy Buchanan: Noble or Hardly Honorable at All? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page She in return vowed to wait for him. However, Daisy became tired of waiting. She found another man, this time a wealthy one, Tom Buchanan. She married him in 1919, abandoning Gatsby and all she ever promised him. Her actions at this time show that she was more concerned with her image than with her emotions. Five years later, once Daisy and Gatsby have been reunited with the help of Nick, Daisy becomes unfaithful to her husband and has an affair with her former lover. When Daisy introduces her daughter, Pammy, she explains, â€Å"I hope she’ll be a fool. That’s the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful, little fool. †(21) This shows that Daisy would rather her daughter be well-liked and well-off than well-educated. She has no concern for practicality, only popularity. Daisy seems to have a common source of motivation throughout her whole life. She has no concern for the emotions of herself or others, but rather for her own comfort and security. She married Tom because he was rich, not because she loved him. Daisy wants to be able to rely on the money in her life to bring her happiness. When Daisy says, â€Å"I’ve been everywhere and seen everything and done everything. Sophisticatedâ€â€God I’m sophisticated! †(22), it is evident that she is highly influenced by materialistic possessions and events. One can see, through both her words and actions, that she is responsible for the way people treat her. She has a talent of manipulating people into doing and giving her what she wants. Daisy definitely has power over the actions of others. Such a materialistic attitude towards life has made Daisy into the person we see in the novel. She is manipulative, good at getting what she wants by pretending to be the innocent one. Even Gatsby, a wealthy man himself, can see this when he points out, â€Å"Her voice is full of money. †(120) Daisy is so used to a lifestyle of getting whatever she wants, that she has become quite comfortable with it. Gatsby and Nick, on the other hand, have had to work their ways up to where they are. They have to watch what they say around others, because they cannot afford to be as carefree as Daisy. She is quite self-centered. We see through her clothing choices and her desire to go into town just to rent a room in an expensive hotel, that she can and will throw her money around to get her way. In her first conversation with Nick, in the beginning of the novel, she asks, â€Å"So how are things in Chicago? Do they miss me? †(5) It is almost as though she expects people to miss her, not because of her personality, but because of her wealth and position in the city. She knows that she is superior to all of those in the middle and working classes without ever having to lift a finger. Such a pampered lifestyle has led Daisy to be quite full of herself. Daisy Buchanan, first seen as an innocent girl in white, retrogresses throughout the story into a shallow woman. Her life is based on mo ney and possessions. She has no concern for others or their emotions. One could say, at the end, that Daisy Buchanan is a true literary fiend.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Lesson learned free essay sample
Learning lessons the hard way my mom has always told me to that and education is very important thing to have and dont take it for granted. Sometimes it takes something to go wrong and not In your favor for you to appreciate it. When I first started college as a nursing major I was so excited. Turned in all my work on time and made good grades. I studied all the time and put my school work first. When It came to the second semester of my freshmen year thats when started slacking. Missing class and forgetting about homework assignments.I became more Interested In partying than eventually missing so many days out of my class I recycled a F. And one class after another. Then their was academic probation and after that It was a college dropout. My family was very disappointed. So started working at burger king making runlet wage. We will write a custom essay sample on Lesson learned or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I absolutely hated this Job. It was not what I wanted to do but had to do something If wasnt In school. While working at burger king I came to realize that I had made a big mistake on slacking off In school. Since I was on academic suspension I had to sit out f school a whole year. His full year of sitting out put me so far behind and my goals I had set for myself in the beginning were off track. When the year of my suspension was up I re applied for school. I was accepted but this time I could not receive financial aid. I was so upset. I couldnt afford to pay for school on my own.. I felt like lust giving up on school. After not being able to attend school it made me realize how important it was, and how one mistake can follow you a long way. Two more semesters went by, still working at the same Job that I hated.I decided to reapply for school. Finally admitted and able to receive financial aid. When I received my acceptance letter from Ole Miss I was so surprised and excited. I have learned from this experience. I advice anyone that if you are in school do your best. Turn in all your work and study as much as you can. Partying can wait. You might not always get allowed a second chance like I was. Im truly thankful that I got a second chance at an education and to become a nurse. You never know how important an education is until you u cant get one. Lesson Learned free essay sample An action or judgment that is misguided or wrong. †–Google Dictionary. Everybody makes mistakes. It’s human nature. In most mistakes, there is always good. That is, only if you learn from it. In my situation, I went through a variety of mistakes. Although I do not regret any of them as I would never be where and who I am today. I am happy to say that the mistakes are in the past but the lesson I learned from all of it will never be forgotten. The first mistake I made was lack of judgment. I knew that I was beginning to start to hang out with the wrong crowd. After ignoring numerous signs, including knowing what these people did, I continued to be influenced by them. I never thought it would get to the point of me following in their footsteps, I thought I would be able to control my actions, but unfortunately I proved myself wrong. We will write a custom essay sample on Lesson Learned or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The lesson I have learned from this is to pay attention to what your intuition tells you. If you think you are doing something wrong, or you know it’s bad, then it most likely is. The other mistake was not distancing myself from the bad influences, and unfortunately continuing on to making the decision of shoplifting. From this I have learned that peer pressure is overrated. It’s wrong to pressure anyone into something they don’t want to do, and it’s wrong to give in. At the time, it is hard to realize the positive side of things. Most people only think about what they will think of you and how you will be treated afterwards, and if they’re going to tell others that you’re a â€Å"scaredy cat†or â€Å"chicken†. What it’s hard to see is that in the long run, it doesn’t matter what others think of you. By doing what you think is right, you gain self-respect and by having that, you will gain respect of others. This particular one is very hard to grasp, but I am glad to say I have learned it and will never forget this. I have no one to blame but myself for this wrong doing. We all make decisions for ourselves, maybe sometimes they are heavily influenced but only we have the power to follow through with our own actions. Sometimes it’s hard to break away from the crowd when you know what you are doing is not right. Especially in the moment, but if you build up enough courage, you end up gaining more respect for yourself by doing the right thing. Even though it might not seem like the bad influences appreciate you proving their wrong doing, on the inside, most of them are actually jealous that they can’t do that for themselves. In the song â€Å"Lessons Learned†the lyrics go, â€Å"Theres mistakes that I have made, Some chances I just threw away, Some roads, I never should have taken, Been some signs I didnt see†¦The past cant be rewritten, You get the life youre given, Oh, some pages turned, Some bridges burned, But there were, Lessons learned†–Carrie Underwood. This song basically describes everything that happened, and every time I hear it, I will be reminded of this, and will remember how I am going to move on from this experience and change to become a better person. I do acknowledge that shoplifting is a crime, and I understand the consequences. I will never let this happen again. I am ashamed to say that I have committed the crime, but I am happy that I will be able to put it in the past and move forward with a new perspective and a better attitude about the way I am going to live my life.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
14 Quotes for a Funny Wedding Toast
14 Quotes for a Funny Wedding Toast If youve been asked to give a wedding toast, chances are youre taking your role seriously. Perhaps too seriously! Often, the best wedding toasts start with a joke, even if they wind up with a sincere wish for the couples future happiness. Why Give a Funny Wedding Toast? Weddings bring up complicated emotions. For the bride and groom, theres joy along with (in many cases) tremendous anxiety. Sometimes the anxiety is related to the very idea of a permanent commitment; other times its related to aspects of the wedding itself. Will the caterer show up? Will my divorced parents get into a fight? Will Aunt Jane get drunk and fall into the wedding cake? Similarly, complex emotions come up for parents who are both thrilled and saddened as their child steps into a new role and a new stage of life. Siblings may be delighted, jealous, or even angry about some aspect of the wedding. Best friends may feel left behind. Humor is almost always the best way to break the ice, lower anxiety, and just have fun at a wedding. If youve been asked to give a wedding toast, chances are you have a close relationship with either the bride, the groom, or both. That means you know which kinds of humor are likely to get a big laugh, and which wont. Funny Wedding Quotes to Choose From Not all of these famous quotes will be right for you, but youll almost certainly find one or two that connect with your particular wedding party! Henny YoungmanThe secret of a happy marriage remains a secret. John MiltonBiochemically, love is just like eating large amounts of chocolate. Henry KissingerNobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There€s too much fraternizing with the enemy. Cathy CarlyleLove is an electric blanket with somebody else in control of the switch.​ SocratesBy all means, marry; if you get a good wife, youll be happy. If you get a bad one, youll become a philosopher. Rita RudnerI love being married. Its so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life. Mickey RooneyAlways get married early in the morning. That way, if it doesnt work out, you havent wasted a whole day. Henny YoungmanI take my wife everywhere I go. She always finds her way back. Ralph Waldo EmersonA mans wife has more power over him than the state has. Honore de BalzacThe majority of husbands remind me of an orangutan trying to play the violin. Anne Bancroft The best way to get most husbands to do something is to suggest that perhaps theyre too old to do it. Erma Bombeck Marriage has no guarantees. If thats what youre looking for, go live with a car battery! Anonymous A good marriage is one where each partner secretly suspects they got the better deal. Winston Churchill My most brilliant achievement was my ability to persuade my wife to marry me.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Summary On The Articles About Second Hand Smoking Essays - Smoking
Summary On The Articles About Second Hand Smoking Essays - Smoking Summary On The Articles About Second Hand Smoking Secondhand Smoke, Is It a Hazard? In the 1950's and 60's scientists gave the people a lot of evidence on the deadly effects of smoking where the tobacco companies on the other hand tried to put the doubt in peoples minds through the campaigns to show that it is not all true. By the time people actually decided to take care of their health and finally saw how life-threatening smoking could be by real life examples, the tobacco companies already got rich from its sales. Nowadays, nobody doubts that firsthand smoke is deadly to your health and it causes lung cancer and heart disease in adults and asthma and bronchitis in children. Now the industry is onto the secondhand smoke. Scientists and researchers are representing a lot of evidence and research that has been done throughout the years showing that the secondhand smoke can also cause a lung cancer in nonsmokers. The study has been done of people who have been long exposed to secondhand smoke and it shows that 26 out of 33 published studies indicate a link between secondhand smoke and lung cancer. The study estimates that the people that were breathing secondhand smoke were 8 to 150 percent more likely to get lung cancer. The tobacco companies are trying to argue the facts and are still in serious debate about the health hazards of breathing a secondhand smoke. A lot of anti-smoking organizations are trying to turn smoking in public into a private activity that does not have to involve nonsmokers breathing secondhand smoke. What is even more important is that many of these organizations convinced a lot of smokers to cut back or quit completely. The problem of secondhand smoke is increasing because it is so common in our society. It makes secondhand smoke the third-ranking cause of lung cancer among nonsmokers. Mothers who live with a smoking spouse have to realize the ill effects of secondhand smoke on children even before they are born. The smoking components reach the developing fetus through the mother. Infants that are born in a smoking environment weigh less and have a weaker chance of becoming a fully developed child. Secondhand smoke leads to blood clots and damages arterial linings which are the two most leading factors in the development of heart disease. The tobacco companies got scared of the effect that the secondhand smoke research can do to the cigarette makers. The tobacco companies started their own secret studies on how to fight the growing success of antismoking activists. They are trying to show the people that there is no definite evidence to prove that the secondhand smoke can cause lung cancer or any other diseases that the scientists accuse it of. The tobacco industry is trying to influence the science by commissioning a research from sympathetic scientists and sponsoring scientific meetings where they try to carefully bring out their point of view and publish the results in the medical literature. Only 4 percent of the articles that were published from the meetings that were sponsored by the tobacco industry said that the secondhand smoke was unhealthy. The debate on secondhand smoke has reached the boiling point. When different scientists are using different study designs and different researches and still come up with the same result, it is time to start paying more serious attention to secondhand smoke. When the human evidence is combined with the laboratory experiments showing that the secondhand smoke can cause cancer it is impossible to ignore it any longer. The nonsmokers should have the right to breathe smoke-free air. It is important to have restrictions on where people are allowed to smoke and in particular to keep the work place as a smoke-free environment. The declining rates of smoking show that people can actually quit. Everybody should make an effort to quit for the sake of the people they love.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Assignment 6 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
6 - Assignment Example Some of the differences between managers are leaders are that managers are administers while leaders are innovates and that managers are never original in their positions or even capacities but leaders are original (McCue & Jack 42-51). A manager tends to maintain status quo, focusses on control, and has a short-range view while a leader develops, focuses on people, inspires trust, and has a long-range perspective. Managers ask how and when, has eye on the bottom line while leaders ask what and why, and have eye on the horizon. A leader or a manager are two words that are used interchangeably to describe individuals holding formal authorities in organizations irrespective of their behavior in such positions. A manager does not necessarily exercise leadership in positions in which they are appointed even though leadership is just part of management. Generally, there are skills or traits that an effective leader is required to have as explained by various theories both old and contemporary theories. Some of the main traits that appear in leaders are ambition, zeal, intelligence, self-directive, and self-confidence (McCue & Jack 45-57). At times, physical characteristics, capability, and persona may be important aspects used to summarize what a leader is. There are six distinct characters that popular effective leaders have such as honesty and integrity. In addition, drive, motivation, cognitive ability, and business knowledge are also other characteristics of leaders. These traits would definitely distinguis h whether a manager will be an effective leader or not. Leaders are incredibly ambitious persons who are never afraid of taking inventiveness as well as people whom apart from willingness to lead, are especially ready to take charge. Furthermore, leaders usually have technical expertise in their businesses and are straightforward people who fulfill their promises. Leaders are individuals who
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Self-Reflection Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Self-Reflection Paper - Essay Example Therefore, there is a need for quantitative problem solving skills for the managers. The QRB course aims to do that. Careers in finance and accounting depend on the managers and the employees employing the latest in trend forecasting and other kinds of analysis to fit the models at hand. Accounting, in particular depends a lot on the ability to do number crunching. Thus, finance and accounting need advanced mathematical skills to succeed. Economics is all about numbers and the way in which one reports the same in annualized GDP numbers, growth forecasts or other such forecasting methods. A quantitative approach and learning quantitative methods are thus useful for any student planning to make a career in these fields. My taking the QRB course has benefited me as it has refreshed my understanding of econometrics and use of ratios and trying to understand financial statements. It has given me an opportunity to revisit and learn new things from the module. I hope to apply these concepts when I study further and in my career. The theoretical framework that I have learned has meshed with the statistical side of the problem solving model and in this respect the QRB course has come in handy. I have learnt the details that go into the numbers and am now confident of taking further courses in Economics, Finance and Accounting that have a need for these skills. I intend to take as many courses as possible in these
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Latino Urbanism in Los Angeles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Latino Urbanism in Los Angeles - Essay Example In this report, research into the Latino community is carried out in all thats considered as common ground by the community (Rojas 44). The research is done on the streets, abandoned train yards, residential home front yards and backyards, designated sacred sites, burial sites, cafà © and shops among other social hubs. The Latino community makes use of all space outdoors, forcing the researcher to base the research on the outdoors. In conducting research on a social platform, James gathered most of the data via personal observation. Since his report is derived from the behavior of the community, observing the community trends is the preferred data gathering technique. Although it is not indicated in the report, James interviewed some of the community members to get a perspective on their mode of living. James illustrates the improvisation, innovation and use the Latino community makes with the few resources they have. He introduces the personalization element adopted by the community in the absence of government
Friday, November 15, 2019
The Varying Definition Of Politeness Across Cultures English Language Essay
The Varying Definition Of Politeness Across Cultures English Language Essay CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the study The definition of politeness varies across cultures and the claims for universals have shown divergence and also lack of clarity as they have received serious attention since the Brown and Levinson theory was proposed (1978, 1987). Lakoff (1989) defined the term Polite as the use of politeness rules regardless of expectation whereas the term non-polite behaviour refers to the act of not using politeness rules when they are not expected. The Brown and Levinsons (BLs) model has contributed a lot in the study of politeness discourse although there are many criticisms that have been made by some researchers due to its lack of clarity concerning the definition of politeness and concomitant concepts of across studies and within the same studies (A. J. Meier, 1995). Furthermore, the BLs theory is said to be ethnocentric because it is derived directly from the high value which is based on individualism in the Western culture (Kasper, 1990: 252-253) and the fact that their distinction between the negative and positive politeness is dubious (Meier, 1995: 384). Goffmans (1967) work has also contributed a lot in the field of politeness discourse and has become one of the most significant in the research of language use. Goffman has introduced the notion of face (BL, 1987: 61). The BL defined the term politeness in terms of speakers need to say things which enable them to mitigate the imposition inherent in speech acts and also the face that those speech acts threaten including the face of the speaker as well as the face of others. A mitigated form is a form that is used in speech by expressing a given prepositional content in order not to offend others (Linde, 1988). According to Leech (1983), politeness is needed and important in the theory of linguistic pragmatics in order to explain the reasons that cause speakers to violate Grices Co-operative principles and its maxims. Self-politeness is taken seriously in Leechs framework. The self-politeness is important in the theo ry of linguistic politeness because it involves the face of the speaker which tends to be as vulnerable as the face of the hearer. This vulnerability is viewed in two ways and is described in the BL model. First, there are speech acts that threaten faces of others and speech acts that threaten the self-face. Second, the face of the speaker can also be attacked by the hearer just as the face of the hearer can be attacked by the speaker in a conversation. Brown and Levinson have devoted an entire book of politeness although its concept is never actually defined. They focused on two types of politeness strategies which are the negative and positive strategies that are used in order to reduce the imposition or threat to an addressees face upon the enactment of an inherently face-threatening act. Negative strategies are characterized as expressions of restraint, formality, and distancing whereas positive strategies are described as expressions of solidarity, intimacy, informality, and familiarity (A. J. Meier, 1995). These strategies focus on the positive and negative face notions. Positive face refers to a persons self-esteem and how he or she wants to be appreciated and accepted by the society. On the other hand, negative face refers to a persons freedom to act. Every individual has the rights to be involved in making decision. Speakers have to perform various speech acts in communication and these acts tend to threaten the face of the speaker or the hearer or both which can cause misunderstandings among them. There are five superstrategies that were proposed by the Brown and Levinson theory which are: Without redressive action, baldly Positive politeness Negative Politeness Off record Withhold the FTA Rudeness is the contrast of the term politeness. Lakoff (1989) defined the term rude as an act that disregards politeness rules when they are in fact expected although there is no clarity in considering what politeness rules consist of and on what basis they are determined in order to be considered as polite (A. J. Meier,1995). An apology is an act of politeness which is stated in Holmes (1990: 156) and is practised in most cultures of the world. According to Britain (1992), high rising tones which are used in declarative sentences are considered as markers of politeness in New Zealand English. In the work of Bublitz (1980), the terms please, just, passive voice, and tag questions are considered as the expressions of politeness. Politeness routines such as Thank you and Youre welcome are also essential in communication. In order not to sound rude when speaking to others, the appropriate politeness strategies should be implied and practised which can avoid misunderstandings between th e speakers and hearers. According to Janney and Arndt (1992), tact resembles the BLs concepts and it is important in order to avoid conflicts. Blum-Kulka (1989:67) on the other hand considers tact as an aspect of the appropriate polite behaviour. Kasper (1990:200) argued that the strategies and means of politeness are not exactly endowed with politeness values, which creates a question mark in ones mind. If polite strategies are not always polite as what is said by her, one would wonder what qualifies them as politeness strategies to begin with. Furthermore, some would argue that there is no particular style nor particular syntactic constructions (Fraser and Nolen, 1981; Zimin, 1981) can be polite or impolite. Many would question when and where to be polite and this is when sociolinguistic competence becomes important. Sociolinguistic competence is the knowledge of appropriate language use (Joseph A. DeVito, 2008). Lakoff (1989: 103) made an equate clarity with non-politeness where she maintained that politeness only differs in importance depending on the discourse genre which she believed that the more transactional the interaction is, the less important politeness will be. 1.2 Statement of the problem The universality of politeness is yet to be clarified because politeness varies across cultures which create problems in establishing objective measures for application across cultures. In this case, misunderstandings in communication can occur when one is unaware of another ones culture. Ehlich (1992) has warned of the dangers of ethnocentricity in determining the standards of politeness that apply to all groups whereas Hymes (1986:49) emphasized on the cautions of the tendencies in seeking the satisfaction of universal framework without considering the empirical inadequacy of them. Malaysia is a country that consists of various ethnics that have different practices, cultures and beliefs. Its biggest ethnic groups are the Malays, followed by the Chinese, Indian, and lastly the minority ethnics. Politeness is important because it can cause misunderstandings if it is not taken seriously. However, due to the culture differences politeness is viewed differently by different groups of so ciety in Malaysia. The BLs model cannot be applied in some of these cultures because they do not seem to fulfil each others wants. Gu (1990) argued that the BLs concepts are not adequate to account for aspects of Chinese and Matsumoto (1988, 1989) argued that the BLs notion of face with its individual territorial rights cannot be applied to the Japanese since the Japanese are more concerned with positional relation to others rather than with the individual territory. Everyone has the tendency to be rude when speaking to other people and they can in fact choose to be or not to be rude whenever and wherever they want. However, does this mean that they do not know the rules of politeness? According to the BL theory of politeness, an utterance is considered polite when there is an implicature that is generated due to the violation of the conversational maxims in order to save the face of others. An utterance can be polite even though the implicature is not. If that is so, how can someone tell when someone else meant to be polite or rude? A speakers communication competence is correlated to the degree of politeness. In order to be a competent speaker, one must possess communicative competence which consists of four types of competencies which are Grammatical competence, Sociolinguistic competence, Discourse competence, and Strategic competence. Grammatical competence is the mastery of the language and Sociolinguistic competence is the knowledge of app ropriate language use. Discourse competence on the other hand means the knowledge of how to connect utterances in a text in order to make sure it is both cohesive and coherent. Finally, strategic competence refers to the mastery of the strategies used by speakers to compensate for breakdowns in communication as well as the strategies that they use in order to enhance the effectiveness of the communications. The BLs model agreed with Grices co-operative principles and the conversational maxims which consider politeness as part of rational communication. Grices theory assumed that communication involves the intention of a speaker which is directed at a hearer and intended to be recognized (Brown and Levinson, 1987:7) and that communication is governed by a rational Cooperative Principle and also a number of maxims which give rise to conversational implicatures (1987:3). The co-operative principles emphasized four maxims which are the maxim of quantity, maxim of quality, maxim of relation, and maxim of manner which are formulated under the assumption that the common purpose of the talk exchange is to be maximally efficient and reliable. If one has to follow the BLs concepts, one probably has to flout the co-operative principles. Ones utterance can be polite even if the speaker doesnt mean anything polite. One can be rude even though it is not done on purpose and one can be polite even thou gh it is not meant. According to Grice (1957:219, 1968:122), in order to mean something by an utterance one must have the intention to produce some effect in an audience by means of the recognition of this intention. In short, one can choose to follow the Brown and Levinsons concepts or neglect its message to save the face of others. Interruptions are not tolerated in the English language but it is tolerated in the Italian language. It is considered rude for a person to interrupt another persons speech in the English culture. (Brian Paltridge, 2005). Interruption is also considered as a Face Threatening Act. (Jonas Pfister, 2010). For this reason, interruption is considered rude among Malaysians for example interrupting a persons conversation when he or she is not finished talking. If this is true, what about the practice of interruptions in a debate competition? One may question when and where can politeness be applied. Some would even consider interruption by permission in a conversation is tolerable. If so, one may question the accuracy of the definition of the terms rude and polite. Both competent and incompetent speakers can choose to neglect the politeness rules whenever they want and yet, they are still considered as competent and incompetent speakers of a language. 1.3 Objectives of study This study seeks to: To investigate the politeness practices among competent and incompetent speakers of English in Malaysia. To understand the many reasons that lead to rudeness among most incompetent and competent speakers of English in their conversations. To give guidance to incompetent and competent speakers of English in helping them to understand the politeness strategies. To help us understand the needs in educating these incompetent and competent speakers of English in language usage. 1.4 Research questions The following are the research questions for the study: 1.4.1 What are the factors that cause incompetent and competent speakers of English to have the tendencies to sound rude in their speeches? 1.4.2 What are the ways that may help the incompetent and competent speakers of English in improving their speeches? Who are responsible in helping the incompetent and competent speakers of English in improving their speeches? When and where should the incompetent and competent speakers of English be polite when having a conversation with others? Significance of the Study This study is important in order to help us understand about the problems faced by the incompetent and competent speakers of English in their everyday conversations. This study is also concern whether there is a need for maxim of politeness in our everyday conversation. Politeness is hardly defined due to the lack of clarification of its term and its definition has been argued by many researchers in their various theories of politeness. Researchers such as Lakoff (1973), Leech (1983), Kingwell (1993), Davis (1998), and Kalia (2004, 2007) believed that a maxim of politeness is needed in our everyday conversation and their views will help us to understand the significance of the term polite. This study also explores the competent and incompetent speaker of English in Malaysias point of views of the term polite based on their own understandings and practices since politeness can differ across cultures. I will also explain why the Brown and Levinsons theory is not satisfactory and cannot be universally accepted. Through this study, a Malaysian perspective of the term polite can be explored, understood and compared. Scope of the study This study is conducted in Fakulti Bahasa Moden dan Komunikasi (FBMK) UPM which is confined to the population of 12 selected ESL learners in Malaysia. All of the respondents are picked randomly from 3 major races in Malaysia which are Malay, Chinese, and India besides. However, the natives of Sabah and Sarawak are not included. Definition of Terms For the purpose of the study, the following terms are defined below in order to facilitate a better understanding of the studys main concern. 1.7.1 Polite The term polite refers to the use of politeness rules regardless of expectation (Lakoff, 1989). Besides that, an utterance is considered polite if and only if there is an implicature that is generated due to the violation of a conversational maxims because of concerns of face (Brown and Levinson, 1987). 1.7.2 Non-polite The term non-polite refers to the behaviour of not using politeness rules and yet not expected (Lakoff,1989). 1.7.3 Rude The term rude on the other hand includes the disregarding of the politeness rules when they are in fact expected (Lakoff, 1989). 1.7.4 Positive Face The term Positive face refers to the want that the wants be desirable to others and also the wants be approved of by others (Brown and Levinson, 1987). 1.7.5 Negative Face The term Negative face refers to the want of every member that his wants be desirable to at least some others. Negative politeness is said to be more polite than the positive politeness.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
The search for self in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and The Catcher in the Rye :: essays research papers
Search for self in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and Catcher in the Rye      Everyone wants to know who they are, and why they were put here. People often wonder about their futures and what kind of person they really are. In the novels Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and Catcher in the Rye, both of the protagonists, despite the different settings, the other characters, their restrictions and the different people that they are, are searching for the same thing - themselves.      Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a timeless tale of a young boy who escapes his society that keeps trying to â€Å"sivilise†him and retreats down the Mississippi river with a runaway slave. On his journey he meets many different kinds of people on the banks of the river, some bad and some good, they all help Huck on his journey to self discovery. Catcher in the Rye is a story of a young boy named Holden who leaves his prep school in New York and ventures alone into the city. On his journey he meets a number of people. Holden is quite cynical and he denigrates nearly everyone he meets.      Set in pre-civil war America, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn takes place along the Mississippi river. As Huckleberry travels along it he learns lessons about life, society and most importantly; himself. Surrounded by a world of prejudice and racism, Huck is forced to learn to make decisions on his own. He is able to learn from the imperfections in the rest of the world as he views them. While on the river, Huck and Jim are at peace. The river symbolizes freedom for both Jim and Huck. The river is Jim’s path to freedom from slavery, and it is Huck’s freedom from society. When Jim and Huck journey onto the banks of the river they see the inhumanity to man that goes on in the world. This juxtaposition of the river and the land help emphasize the peacefulness of the river in comparison to the crazy society on land. Huck learns to think for himself, and tries not to conform to the ways of the people on the land. Although the world that he lives in teaches him to be a racist, his journey down the river teaches him to use his own mind, and find out what he really believes in.      New York city is the setting for this more contemporary novel, yet it has many similarities to the older, more timeless Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Beowulf Questions
Question 1 What is the name of the castle where the first few sections of the poem take place? Â Â HeorotCamelotWulfingHrothgarQuestion 2 Who is the king at the beginning of the poem?UnferthHrothgarHeorotBeowulfQuestion 3 Grendel is a descendant of what Biblical figure?SamsonCainLuciferNoahQuestion 4 Where do the people make offerings to try to get aid from Grendel's attacks?Muslim mosquesPagan shrinesCatholic cathedralsJewish templesQuestion 5 Beowulf arrives to help the DanesOn footOn horsebackOn the back of a dragonBy shipQuestion 6 Which character is jealous of Beowulf?HygelacWealhthowUnferthHrothgarQuestion 7 During the feast, Beowulf describes what kind of contest in which he competed against Breca?SwimmingRunningJoustingStorytellingQuestion 8 How long is Beowulf king of Geatland before the dragon wake?50 years10 years25 years5 yearsQuestion 9 What wakes the dragon?Grendel's mother wakes the dragon to help her fight Beowulf.An intruder handles and removes a gem-studded goblet from the dragon's lair.Beowulf confronts the sleeping dragon in his lair.The dragon's eggs begin to hatch.Question 10 Where does the dragon's treasure come from?It is the cache of a highborn race of people who have all died.It is Beowulf's inheritance from King Hygelac.It belonged to the dragon's father.It belongs to Hrothgar and the Danes.Question 11 What is the dragon's primary weapon when he attacks the homesteads?His sharp talonsThe fire that he breathesA sword that belonged to the ancient godsUnferth's sword HruntingQuestion 12 What does the dragon destroy that upsets Beowulf?Beowulf's homeBeowulf's armorThe castle HeorotThe tree of lifeQuestion 13 Who volunteers to fight the dragon?UnferthHygelacHrothgarBeowulfQuestion 14 What weapon finally kills the dragon?A daggerA cannonBare handsA torchQuestion 15 What regret does Beowulf express as he is dying?He was unable to kill the dragon.He never married.He is leaving the Geats penniless.He never had a son.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Competitive Market Study in the United Arab Emirates
Competitive Market Study in the United Arab Emirates Background According to Butt, the performance of the oil and gas industry of the United Arab Emirates in the local and international markets is influenced by the work of the industry players and the productivity of the workforce (231).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Competitive Market Study in the United Arab Emirates specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Productivity is influenced by the availability of skilled personnel who are well trained to use modern technologies to perform the upstream, midstream and downstream oil exploration and production activities. According to Butt, skilled personnel contribute significantly to the competitive positioning of a firm in the market (232). To ensure efficiency and effectiveness, companies operating in the global and local oil and gas industries use the 360 degree performance appraisal system to evaluate the level of employees (Vessenes, 11). This appraisal system enable s the management of the companies to set goals and objectives for employees and the firm as an entity to work at the improvement of managerial effectiveness. The approach enables the management to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of employees who can positively affect the competitive market position of the companies operating in the industry (Vessenes, 11). Dessler argues that the upsurge in the demand for oil and gas in the local and international markets has necessitated the industry to employ skilled personnel to perform the tasks of oil and gas exploration and production (1).Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More To achieve excellent performance targets which have a positive effect on the competitive positioning of the firms in the local and global markets, the oil and gas companies have adapted the 360 degree performance appraisal system to manage em ployees and the expatriates who work in the industry. Here, most of the expatriate employed in the oil and gas industry in the United Arab Emirates joined the companies from other countries as soon as the government discovered oil and gas in the country. Expatriates came in because of the shortage of skilled personnel to address the challenges and problems the companies operating in the oil and gas industry were experiencing. According to Langley and Guest, the need to respond to the increasing demand for oil and gas necessitated the country to embark on an ambitious program of sourcing for highly skilled personnel from other countries between 1990 and 2000 (2). The newly recruited employees working in the industry consisted of 91% expatriates of the country’s 2.4 million people by 2006. It is important to note that the public sector was the greatest employer because of the attractive benefits employees enjoed from the government. According to Randeree and Chaudhry, the urgen t need for trained and skilled personnel to work in the fields based on the exploration and production of oil in the United Arab Emirates was the reason for the ministry of labor and social services and the UAE council of ministers to identify training and development needs of the people (8). Here, the Government partnered with training institutions to teach skills required for the exploration and production of oil to the local people.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Competitive Market Study in the United Arab Emirates specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More However, the companies which operate in the sphere of exploration and production of oil and gas undergo significant challenges in employing the local people who demand higher salaries, better job security, shorter working hours, and greater employment benefits (Rees, Mamman Braik 2). The employees in the oil and gas industry in the UAE positively influence th e performance of the oil and gas sector in the international market, which is partially driven by the underlying population growth in the consumer market, and the rise in the demand for oil and gas in emerging markets such as China, South East Asia, and Africa. 50% percent of the market position and performance of the oil and gas industry in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is influenced by the performance contributions of each individual employee against established objectives and standards (Rees, Mamman Braik 2). The financial performance of the companies in the industry makes significant contributions to the sharp rise in oil and gas prices in the international markets which contribute to the strength of the market position of the firms. The phenomenon was observed before the 2008 sharp fall in the international prices of oil and gas which created a decline in the market position and financial performance of the companies in the international and local markets. A summary backgroun d investigation shows that the exploration and production of oil in the United Arab Emirates is run by the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC), which was established in 1971, and operates a consortium of subsidiary companies. Zakum development company (ZADCO) is one of the subsidiary companies that make ADNOC with a workforce which is involved in the exploration, mining, and production of gas and oil in the UAE. Employees with specialized skills in the production of oil and gas have contributed significantly to the increased production capabilities of the companies under the directions of the top level management which uses the 360 degrees performance appraisal technique (Business Monitor International United Arab Emirates Oil Gas Report, 1).Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More To achieve the objectives of the desired market position, the management of the companies has integrated a performance appraisal system for all employees who work in the industry to evaluate their contributions to the performance of the oil and gas industries. The management is responsible for the management of customers, the analysis of the market positions, the ultimate pricing of oil in context of the global oil prices, the quantity and quality of oil production, the market size, the customer value, maximization of market share and profit in the oil industry. Scope of the oil and gas industry in UAE This study focuses on the effect the oil and gas companies, which use the 360 degree performance appraisal system for performance evaluations, have on the local and international markets. An examination of effect of the 360 degree performance appraisal system on the performance of the human resource and the market position of the oil and gas industry in the United Arab Emirates is cri tical in answering the research questions. The Oil and Gas Industry in the UAE A study by Rees, Mamman and Braik shows that the workforce in the oil and gas industry contributes 90% to the performance of the sector which is the key driver of the economy of the United Arab Emirates, which possesses 10% of the world’s oil reserves (12). An effective workforce has contributed positively to the industry by transforming the economy from a desert region to one of the best performing economies in the Middle East by increasing the revenue required for the provision of social services and for the rapid economic growth and expansion. Expatriates working in the oil and gas sector consist of 85% of the 4.337 million workers according to the 2012 statistical data. The licensing of the companies involved in the exploitation of oil and gas in the United Arab Emirates is done according to the constitution of the UAE. Under the constitution, the licensing for the development of the oil and ga s resources is an exclusive task of each Emirate. Typically, around 95% of the oil produced in the UAE is from Abu Dhabi. The main companies involved in the production of oil and gas in the UAE include ADNOC, Dubai Petroleum Company (DPC) for upstream operations, Abu Dhabi Marine Operating Company (ADMA-OPCO), and Dubai Natural Gas Company (DUGAS), which is owned by the state and responsible for the production and transportation of gas from the offshore fields. A critical review of the licensing of the production of oil and gas in the UAE shows that ADNOC holds the majority shares and is considering limiting the number of foreign companies involved in the exploration and production of oil in the UAE. The United Arab Emirates has an ambitious investment plan on the upstream production activities to enhance the recovery of oil and gas. The strategy is to raise the production capacity to 3.5 million barrels a day by investing a US $60 billion in the next five years to achieve the targe t. To enhance competitive exploration and production of oil and gas, the government of the UAE has awarded contracts to Hyundai worth US $1.88bn for the exploration and production of oil from the Satah al-Razboot (SARB) regions, the National Petroleum Construction Company (NPCC), and Petrofac Emirate and Daewoo Shipbuilding Marine Engineering (DSME) respectively for the production of oil and gas in other fields. Market Position Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) The market is the key driver that has significant effects on the financial performance of the company and its competitive position. To improve the performance and effectiveness of the company, it was important to restructure the main company into five autonomous business units under a directorate. Each directorate offers services in the exploration, production, and marketing of oil and gas. To improve accountability, the restructuring, which was implemented, affected different companies under the coordination of ADNOCâ €™s project directorate, which coordinates the management, human resource, and administration units. In this case, the critical components that contribute to the competitive strategy formulated by the company are the five new autonomous units of the main company (Rutledge, 9). ADNOC operates as a joint venture with other companies and has invited western countries, which contribute skilled personnel, enabling the company to improve its market strategy and competiveness. Employees in the industry do not like the 360 degrees performance appraisal system as a tool to determine the marketing strategy of the oil and gas industry in the country. The critical components of the performance appraisal system that affect the performance and marketing position of the oil and gas industry include the assessment centers, human resource accounting, and behaviorally anchored methods. Managerial effectiveness provides the organization with an evaluation of complete assessment of the effectivenes s of the oil companies performance and the development needs of the company. Market position A report by the Business Monitor International United Arab Emirates Oil Gas Report shows that 61.4 % of employees consider the 70% market share held by the company to be a direct result of the 360 degree performance appraisal system (1). A positive impact is created on the market position held by the company because of the impact caused by the 360 degree. Over 60% of the employees regard current market position and the competitive strategy to be as a result of the problem solving capabilities of the management, the promotion of teamwork, management competence in creating the right company mission and vision statements, ability to create strategic awareness, management drive to achieve organizational goals and objectives, and the ability of the management to enhance teamwork and motivate employees toward improved performance. Employee contributions to the company’s upstream interests in the production of oil and gas with its commercial production concentrated in the Dubai Natural Gas Company (DUGAS), which started the commercial production of oil and gas in 1980 (1). That is in addition to other national companies that ADNOC has invested its shares in. Besides, the company is undertaking different expansion projects to increase its production capacity (Vessenes, 11). The strategic aims of the company is to boost oil and gas production and market share in the oil and gas market, both locally and internationally and enhance the performance of the downstream operations of the company at different refineries. To enhance the performance of the downstream and upstream, the management has strategized to use technology to design and develop the latest engineering components to perform downstream activities with efficiency and effectiveness (Business Monitor International United Arab Emirates Oil Gas Report, 1). Zakum development company (ZADCO) ZADCO was constituted in 1977 under the promulgation of Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan of law No. 9 to incorporate the company into the development and production of oil in its present area of work. ZADCO is a high performance subsidiary of the fully integrated oil and gas company ADNOC in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) with the wider perspective of carrying out petroleum industry business related activities, which include mining and exploration for oil and gas. ZADCO is a subsidiary that deals with the production of oil in the Umm Al Dalkh, Satah, and the upper Zakum fields using the latest oil mining technologies, which have given the company a competitive edge, enabling it to become the leading oil mining company in the UAE (Stauffer, 9). Methodology A literature review of secondary sources including books, articles, journals, and online sources will provide the required data for the study to determine the competitive market position of the oil and gas industry in the United Arab Emirates. The resear ch method will consist of a combination of both qualitative and quantitative approaches to answer the research question on the competitive market study in the oil and gas industry at the national and company levels. The choice of the method of study is based on the online availability of information on the market position and performance of the oil and gas industry of the United Arab Emirates. Different articles will be studied and the results will be deductive from the sources of information used as sources of data. Findings According to the results in the appendix, 15% of organizational employees agree that the management needs to improve on problem solving skills, managerial skills, and decision making skills to improve the performance of the organization in the oil market. 90% of the employees agree that the management has driven the employees to improve the productivity of the firm, 85% regard management as excellent in strategic planning, 90% regard management as having cellar mission and vision statements. The factors that contribute to organizational performance including teamwork, effective communication, and problem solving skills are rated above 50%. Analysis ZADCO holds a 60% market share of the oil and gas industry in the UAE and a 10% share in the global market which has been improving significantly. The reason for continuous growth is in the performance of the employees in the companies. Conclusion The effect of the 360 degree performance appraisal system on the performance of the employees who work in the oil and gas industry in the United Arab Emirates shows a direct positive effect on the market position of the firms. The results have shown that the competitive market position of the United Arab Emirates oil and gas companies show a positive relationship with the performance of organizational employees. The appraisal system enables management to understand and determine the rationale for continuous learning and the ability to make changes at management level by restructuring the company. That is in addition to increased levels of trust the employees develop, and the ability to collect information from different sources for effective decision making and improved performance, which contributes to enhanced organizational performance and market position. Business Monitor International: United Arab Emirates Oil Gas Report 2013. Web. Butt, Gerald. ’’Oil and Gas in the UAE.†United Arab Emirates: a New Perceptive. Ed. Ibrahim Abed and Peter Hellyer, London: Trident Press Ltd, 2001. 2331-249. Print. Dessler, Gary. Human Resource Management, 13th ed. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall, 2012. Print. Langley, Ian, M, and Mark Guest, 2012, The Global Oil Gas Workforce Survey, 2012. Web. Randeree, Kasim, and Abdul Ghaffar Chaudhry. â€Å"Leadership in Project Managed Environments: Employee Perceptions of Leadership Styles within Infrastructure Development in Dubai.†International Review of Business Re search Papers 3. 4 (2007): 220-232. Print. Rees, Christopher J., Aminu Mamman, and Aysha Braik. â€Å"Emiratization a Strategic HRM Change Initiative: Case Study Evidence from a UAE Petroleum Company.†The International Journal of Human Resource Management 18.1 (2007): 33-53. Print. Rutledge, Emilie. Monetary Union in the Gulf: Prospects for a Single Currency in the Arabian Peninsula. London: Routledge, 2009. Stauffer, David. The Power of Competitive Intelligence, Cambridge: Harvard Business School Publishing, 2003. Print. Vessenes, Peter. â€Å"Cash Is King, but Marketing Is Everything.†Journal of Financial Planning 16.12 (2003): 1-19.Print. Appendix This questionnaire is used to collect data on the effect of the 360 degree performance appraisal system on the performance of the employees at the Zakum Development Company (ZADCO), and the direct effect it has on the performance of ZADCO development company in the local and international oil markets. Any informati on provided by the respondent is confidential and cannot be used for any other purpose except to conduct this study. You are kindly requested to fill and submit the questionnaire. Questions about the management Experienced and understands the management skills Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Solves problems, seizes opportunities plans for action Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Is proactive in making tactical decisions Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Technical and professional skills Is expertise in area of specialization Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Positively solves technical problems and anticipates problems Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Solves problems innovatively Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Is strategically aware of the financial position of the company Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Communicates clearly Strongly agree Agree Di sagree Strongly disagree Positively influences teamwork Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Creates business strategy Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Mission and vision statement of the company exists Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Has a structured planning mechanism Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Manages to gain an edge over competitors Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Makes the company products available than the competitors Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Strives to make higher profits Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Results Ranking Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Total The management 1 2 3 4 Scale Experienced and understands the management skills 7 5 3 5 20 Solves problems, seizes opportunities plans for action 3 4 7 1 15 Is proactive in making tactical decisions 3 10 3 0 16 Technical skills Strongly agree Agree D isagree Strongly disagree Results Is expertise in area of specialization 10 2 1 13 Positively solves technical problems and anticipates problems 15 4 1 20 Solves problems innovatively 11 9 20 Is strategically aware of the financial position of the company 18 2 20 Communicates clearly 18 2 20 Positively influences teamwork 10 7 17 Creates business strategy 17 1 18 Mission and vision statement of the company exists 18 2 20 Has a structured planning mechanism 17 3 20 manages to gain an edge over competitors 16 2 1 19 Strives to make higher profits 18 2 Analysis of the results Management competencies Ranking Rating between high =7 and low=1 percentage Self Manager Peer team Average Influence 1 4 1 1 2 4.3 61.4 Communication 2 1 7 6 3.5 4.2 60 Impact 5 3 9 2 5 4.9 70 Problem solving 7 2 3 7 5.1 3.7 52.9 Strategic awareness 5 6 3 4 5.1 4.9 70 Vision 9 7 2 2 5.6 4.3 61 Organization 4 5 8 7 6 4.8 68 Teamwork 3 9 3 9 6.3 4.1 59 Drive 8 8 3 4 6.4 3.5 50
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Free Essays on Nikeof Samothrace
Nike of Samothrace and the Portrayal of Nike in Greek Statuary "Styx, the daughter of Okeanos, lay in love with the giant Pallas (a Titan), and in his mansion gave birth to a Zelus (Emulation) and fair-ankled Nike (Victory) in the house. Also she brought forth Cratos (Strength) and Bia (Force), wonderful children." (Theogony, lines 383-385). From Theogony, the myth of Nike was born. She was depicted frequently through the centuries in Greek art. The style supports her depiction as commemorating a victory in the lives of the Greeks. One of her most famous renderings is called the â€Å"Winged Victory†or â€Å"Nike of Samothrace†. The Winged Victory was discovered in 1862 in Samothrace, Greece. Samothrace is an island claimed by the Micaneans. Much of the Nike is damaged. Originally the Nike was found in over 200 pieces with the base missing for decades. The head, right foot, and arms have never been recovered. Cracks from reconstruction cover the body. Still, much of the Nike has been restored to a recognizable and detailed sculpture. â€Å"†¦it was in the exedra or portico of the elevated Sanctuary of the Great Gods that this massive Nike was displayed, shown as if she were alighting on the prow of a ship. The sculpted prow itself was a set in a pool of water, whose surface must have been ruffled by sea breezes†(Spivey 207) The piece is a free standing sculpture made of Rhodesian marble. The date of the piece is highly debated because of the wide period that the style took place in. After the conquest of Alexander the Great, the High Classical style was frozen in time for centuries with few stylistic changes. However, most scholars attribute the work to have been commissioned between 300 BC and 31 BC by Demetreius, son of Alexander the Great. The cause for construction was a victory, most likely the great naval battle of Ptolemy off the islands of Cypriot Salamis and led by Demetreius. Demetreius was accepted as a self proclai... Free Essays on Nikeof Samothrace Free Essays on Nikeof Samothrace Nike of Samothrace and the Portrayal of Nike in Greek Statuary "Styx, the daughter of Okeanos, lay in love with the giant Pallas (a Titan), and in his mansion gave birth to a Zelus (Emulation) and fair-ankled Nike (Victory) in the house. Also she brought forth Cratos (Strength) and Bia (Force), wonderful children." (Theogony, lines 383-385). From Theogony, the myth of Nike was born. She was depicted frequently through the centuries in Greek art. The style supports her depiction as commemorating a victory in the lives of the Greeks. One of her most famous renderings is called the â€Å"Winged Victory†or â€Å"Nike of Samothrace†. The Winged Victory was discovered in 1862 in Samothrace, Greece. Samothrace is an island claimed by the Micaneans. Much of the Nike is damaged. Originally the Nike was found in over 200 pieces with the base missing for decades. The head, right foot, and arms have never been recovered. Cracks from reconstruction cover the body. Still, much of the Nike has been restored to a recognizable and detailed sculpture. â€Å"†¦it was in the exedra or portico of the elevated Sanctuary of the Great Gods that this massive Nike was displayed, shown as if she were alighting on the prow of a ship. The sculpted prow itself was a set in a pool of water, whose surface must have been ruffled by sea breezes†(Spivey 207) The piece is a free standing sculpture made of Rhodesian marble. The date of the piece is highly debated because of the wide period that the style took place in. After the conquest of Alexander the Great, the High Classical style was frozen in time for centuries with few stylistic changes. However, most scholars attribute the work to have been commissioned between 300 BC and 31 BC by Demetreius, son of Alexander the Great. The cause for construction was a victory, most likely the great naval battle of Ptolemy off the islands of Cypriot Salamis and led by Demetreius. Demetreius was accepted as a self proclai...
Sunday, November 3, 2019
How have the culture and mentality of the Chinese contributed to their Research Paper
How have the culture and mentality of the Chinese contributed to their success as entrepreneurs - Research Paper Example This unusual success is based on the Chinese culture and customs. Chinese school of thought Confucianism has deep roots with the entrepreneurship. Confucianism evokes qualities like hard work and constant struggle and also suggests that people should do such actions which become a source of pride for not only their family but for the state also. The Chinese custom of saving money and not using more than their needs, help them to investment in their business. Confucianism allows its followers to lead a loyal and modest life, and not using corruption as a tool to progress. Along with other qualities like interpersonal relation, self discipline and risk taking, the importance given by Chinese government on education has helped them to come up with latest and innovational solutions in the field of science and technology. The state is now taken extra steps to motivate young individuals to enter in the world of entrepreneurs and try to facilitate them in every way. Loans, coaching and help are offered to the interesting candidates. Thus their culture and the policies offered by the country helps the Chinese entrepreneurs to succeed beyond others. ..
Friday, November 1, 2019
Developmental stages of children Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Developmental stages of children - Essay Example To assist in the study of these types of development, various developmental tasks are commonly divided into four primary domains: physical, cognitive, social, and emotional. By defining and applying these domains to the pre-school developmental stage, it is possible to identify activities that may assist the child in successfully achieving the primary goals of this stage. Unsurprisingly, physical development refers to the actual growth of the child's body structure. This includes muscles, bones and organs as well as all motor and sensory development. Motor development is largely dependent on the child's muscle strength and coordination. Actions such as standing, sitting, and running involve the large muscles of the body. Other activities such as speech, vision and the use of hands and fingers require increasing mastery of the smaller muscles of the body. As most people are aware, sensory development refers to the increasing awareness of the five senses: sight, taste, touch, smell and hearing. â€Å"The coordination and integration of perceptual input from these systems are controlled by the central nervous system†(Roditti, 2002, p. 11). Thus, activities that promote physical development will concentrate on preparing the core muscles for greater use and encourage exploration of abilities and senses. A child's cognitive development is also important in understanding these opportunities. Cognitive development takes place through activities such as thought, memory, reasoning, problem-solving and abstract thinking. One of the most difficult cognitive activities is using language because, although speech is technically a motor activity, the use of symbolization and memory in producing meaningful speech is a highly specialized thought process. Comprehending and expressing language is a complex cognitive endeavor that is encouraged as well by the child's social development. Social development refers to the child’s interactions with other people and their involvement in social groups. The earliest social function of a child is the attachment to mother. This attachment then leads to the â€Å"development of relationships with adults and peers, assumption of social roles, adoption of group values and norms, adoption of a moral system, and eventually assuming a productive role in society†(Roditti, 2002, p. 12). All of these also contribute to and are shaped by the child's emotional development. Emotional development refers to the maturing of personal behaviors and characteristics. This can include developing an individual identity and self-esteem along with the ability to enter into mutually fulfilling emotional relationships. Pre-School Physical Development Sensory and motor domain development is perhaps most noticeable during the first year of life when the child is doing the majority of his or her physical growth. This growth begins to slow at about one year of age. There are many things parents worry about at this stage. Fo r example, they may notice that their child has a suddenly decreased appetite at this point or be concerned about the apparently misshapen body as the child begins to walk. However, there is often no cause to be concerned. As the physical growth starts to slow, the body no longer requires such high intake of building blocks. As children begin to walk, their posture appears bow-legged with the belly sticking out and a sharply inward curved back. While
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Older parents and younger parents Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Older parents and younger parents - Essay Example Arguments for younger parents focus mostly on the biological aspect of motherhood and the aspect of the biological clock is often invoked. A middle path is often more suitable with no norm being set that would miss the whole point of individual freedom. One of the main points that are used against older parents is their inability to handle the cognitive aspects of mental illness when it happens in children. This severely limits their ability to handle instances where their children are affected by mental ailments (Cook, et al.). There are however, advantages of being an older parent. In many cases, older parents have resources of financial and mental kinds that are useful and sometimes even essential for the purpose of parenthood. The stress that one goes through during parenthood can thus be eased to a great extent if one is independent and able to manage one’s finances on one’s own. Older parents are also considered to be more comfortable with each other and hence able to offer a better environment for the child. Older parents would thus not need to compromise on their marital quality so as to have a child (Needham and Umberson 439). This argument is similar to the feminist argument that an older woman would be emot ionally and financially readier for a child. This would also reduce the chances that a parent would suffer of regret that a parent may suffer in relation to his or her career. The feminist argument in this case is stretched to include fathers who are then seen to play an equal part in parenthood and in the development of the child. Older fathers and mothers are then seen to be more mature and hence better for the future of the child. The child is then seen as not a product of merely those factors that are hereditary but also those of nurture. In such a framework, nurture is what is considered, according to this view, more important. Younger parents are sometimes not considered to
Monday, October 28, 2019
Article Review of Organizational Culture Essay Example for Free
Article Review of Organizational Culture Essay It was not expected that the hierarchical model would be dominant given the previous attempt to change the culture. The altruistic values of those surveyed indicated they are committed to social development and public interests and are most comfortable with a hierarchical dominate culture. The sample size of 530 participants obtained from the Public Sector Directory was an adequate size. All of the executives in the directory were included in the survey, which suggests a less than random selection process for the final candidates. However, the six varied departments selected represented central coordination, infrastructure provision and social services. Although an almost two to one ratio of male to female employee responses were utilized, none of the demographic variables collected in section C of the three part survey affected the perceptions of the current culture. Sections A and B of the survey gathered information on character, managers, cohesion, emphases and rewards. Results indicated that Departments A – D preferred the internal process or group culture. Department E preferred the internal process model, but it was equally comfortable with rational goal model indicating goal fulfillment was a requirement. Department F results indicated a comfort level with the rational goal model most likely due to their interactive responsibilities with other departments. Forcing change from a formalized, rules and rewards based culture to a more flexible, decentralized culture could create individual-organization value conflict resulting in stress. Of the population surveyed only 191, 36%, was usable and the male respondents outnumbered the female respondents nearly 3 to 1. The survey, divided into three sections dealing with perceptions of the current culture, respondent ideal culture, and demographic information. The survey reviled 4 out of 6 public sector departments in the study held to the traditional model. The findings also suggest organizational culture is driven at the non-managerial employee level and the deeply embedded cultural values can’t be forced any form of management. The article mentions the constant state of transition is the Queensland government over a twenty year period; employees may value the stability and predictability of the traditional bureaucratic model. Base on the research and finding in the article, culture change must target the organization at the non-managerial level in order for the culture change to be effective. In order for Queensland traditionally bureaucratic organizations to embrace high performing teams, the change must address the needs of the driving force of the traditional model culture; the non-managerial employees. In forming high performing teams for the Queensland public sector, it is important to investigate the factors/components of those teams. Also, because most teams are unique in their goals and focus, there is no off the shelf solution for all teams (Davenport, 2001) and that there is no singular, uniform measure of performance effectiveness for groups (Guzzo and Dickson, 1996. p. 309). By creating a customized plan for transitioning, Queensland public sector can move from a control hierarchical organizational culture to a culture of change, flexibility, and productivity. The Queensland public sector was managed for so many decades using the top down management that the culture of the organizations productivity depended on it. The results of the study can be supported by the need for stability which can only be changed by small adjustment to small changes (Bhide 2010). The culture of the organization is controlled by political authority, so it was not surprising that a hierarchical process model was so deeply rooted in to the essence of the government employees who understood the leadership values (Goodwin and Neck, 1998). Organizations lack of understanding of their members caused employees to be less adaptable to change, and with that less productive. Employees will move to do only their specific functions and only respond to the tasks directed by their manager, which is contradicting to the desired results of flexibility, and supports the article results (Miller S 2009). â€Å"Beyond top-down and bottom-up work redesign†, explains â€Å"Authority is traditionally conceptualized as hierarchical†, but the informal authority operates day to day work of organizations. This proved to be true for the Queensland public sector with few exceptions such as a high commitment to the rules and the attention to details. These changes have also been achieved on a federal level with similar setbacks who still managed to overcome the existing dominant culture (189). Just because the organization is not dominated by the â€Å"new managerialist thinking†as stated in â€Å"Organisational culture in the public sector†article, Sting and Loch explain that this does not mean that there is not a need for a â€Å"bottom-up participation†which was part of the work environment before the values of the employees were, in a way, forced to be changed for unexplained reasons to them. As a result of such, this did cause setbacks in the cultural change that was attempted. Changing the value of a large group of people within the company is next to impossible when it’s so closely tied to their private beliefs such as the members of the Queensland public sector. In order to move from a hierarchical process model of an organization to a more flexible and change oriented one, organizations must first understand their employees preferred organizational structure, and then create a corporate culture which employees can slowly get accustom to. In the case of six organizations in the Queensland public sector, the transformation required a culture change from the â€Å"Mechanistic†to ‘Organic†organizational structure and this should have been done very slowly only after understanding the values of those involved. One easy way to get this information is to have employees perform a self-assessment. Because â€Å"a corporate culture is influenced by the industry in which the organization operates†, outside factors such as political control have to be considered in a path taken to change employees assumptions, values, and artifacts (McGraw-Hill Companies, 2002-2009). Before an organization can move from a hierarchical process to a more flexible one employees must understand the benefits of shifting their culture from â€Å"control†to â€Å"performance†, where their input is valued. Through our research and critical analysis of the six organizations in the Queensland public sector, it is evident to us that the paradigm public organizations are functioning in will not change easily. Though the employees have to be able to accept change and shift, employers must understand that the need to create an environment that fosters a corporate cultural environment is vital. Change is inevitable but a positive response to the change is not. Without the strategic planning of organizational leaders, we will continue to see results like we saw with the six organizations in Queensland; the entire organization has to be a part of the implementation, intimately, in order for it to be effective. Unfortunately, when employees of any organization settle for the â€Å"norm,†they will not only resist change but they will fear it.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
What Technology Brings To Us :: Television TV Essays
What Technology Brings To Us I have selected television as my technology subject because, on a global level, television has the greatest impact on the largest number of people of all the technologies available to us today. I have found that television has become widely distributed for many reasons, the most important being the fact that television sets have become more affordable over the years. There is also a desire by poor people in poor countries to have the same gadgets that are owned by the people in rich countries and only television can satisfy that need. Television can also be the means by which all levels of government can communicate with their populations. Thanks to satellites, television signals can be received just about everywhere on the planet. In the Third World, a single television can bring people together in order to watch a program on the community-owned set. In less educated cultures, television must seem like magic and its magic can draw those people closer together for the common experience of seeing a TV program. However, that same technology in the hands of advantaged societies tends to drive people apart. In America, you can often find a TV in every room (and sometimes in the bathroom), and various family members can spend hours and hours watching their own programming preferences on their own TV sets and not interacting with each other at all except during meals. Even the dinner hour cannot guarantee family communication. Too often, after-school activities such as sports and other outside interests draw people away from a shared meal. Those who eat alone often do so with a television for company, thereby replacing two-way conversations with the toxins of modern television programming. Television unifies the poor and separates the rich. It is both an anesthetic and a pacifier but it is never a reliable source for the truth. Thanks to the wealth of this nation, American television has always had the resources needed to do very great things for the citizens of this country. It could bring profoundly important documentaries to the attention of those who are removed from those stories, it could teach children who have outgrown Sesame Street foreign languages and critical thinking skills plus it could easily spread the truth with each news broadcast. A higher level of entertainment could encourage more sophisticated tastes and cultural expectations. Instead, American television offers a disgusting collection of trash at all levels and that trash makes Americans a very proud but ignorant people.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Aspects of Poetry
To be able to explain the aspects of poetry to you all, I thought I would break the mini lesson down into two parts. It will help you understand the differences between a poem and a sonnet, and will make it easier to absorb all of the components involved. First we will start with a sonnet. Let’s start by talking about just what a sonnet is. â€Å"Before Shakespeare’s day, the word â€Å"sonnet†meant simply â€Å"little song,†i. e. , a short lyric poem†(poetry. about. com, 2010). By the 1200’s, the sonnet had come to be known as a form of poetry that is comprised of 14 lines.The first type of sonnet was the Italian version, also known as the Petrarchan sonnet. The Italian sonnet is separated into two segments by two different clusters of rhyming sounds. The first 8 lines are called the octave and it serves as the question. The remaining 6 lines are called the sestet. The sestet serves as the answer to the octave, or the question. Later we c ame to know the English version, or the Shakespearean version. The English sonnet differs from the Italian sonnet in the way is broken down. The English sonnet has four divisions, not two.You will notice the breaks between the divisions. The first three parts are called the quatrain, and the last part is called the couplet. The couplet is an observation of the first three parts, or quatrains. I will be breaking down the aspects of a sonnet. We will discuss the theme, the language usage, and the metaphorical references that are found within the sonnet that I have chosen. It was a tough decision, but the sonnet I chose to discuss is â€Å"How do I love thee? Let me count the ways†by Elizabeth Barrett Browning [1806 – 1861] Here is the sonnet:The first aspect we will tackle is the theme. Common themes can be related to love, death, war, and others. The obvious theme in the chosen sonnet is love and the sonneteer’s feelings towards her husband to be, Robert Brownin g. It is a beautiful sonnet and shows just how intense her love is for her partner. The second aspect we will discuss is the use of language in the sonnet, or figures of speech. You will regularly see the use of metaphors, similes, personifications and irony in sonnets.An example of a metaphor in this sonnet is when the author states â€Å"I love thee freely, as men strive for Right†she is comparing the depth of her love with the passion a man can feel when he is defending his rights and beliefs. On the very next line, the author uses simile by stating that â€Å"I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise†. She is sizing up her love with her faith, or religion. Lastly, I believe that the author displays personification when she writes that â€Å"the ends of Being and ideal Grace†she is personifying her love with life and religion.It is the main theme that pops from the sonnet. By and large, the sonnet is just a beautiful work that expresses extremely deep an d intense feelings about love for another person. I will be discussing the importance of word usage in poem. The poem I chose to discuss is â€Å"To My Dear and Loving Husband†by Anne Bradstreet [c. 1612 – 1672]. Word choice in a poem is the one key aspect to get the message across in a poem. I admit that there are some poems that you have to read over and over again to begin to get an idea of what the author is talking about.Anne Bradstreet created a lovely tribute to the husband and she is expressing just how deep and intense her love is for her partner. By using words that really bring home the powerful sentiments, the reader can comprehend almost immediately what the author is expressing. Bradstreet writes â€Å"I prize thy love more than whole mines of gold††¦. she is helping the reader understand how big her love is by making a comparison to a monetary concept. She also writes â€Å"My love is such that rivers cannot quench††¦. here she i s making a comparison of the extreme love she feels for her husband with a physical thirst that not even a river can satisfy.That statement is intense! Lastly, Bradstreet writes â€Å"Then while we live, in love let's so persevere†¦That when we live no more, we may live ever††¦. Such is the adoration for her husband that she is expressing that their love will continue even in death. Using an effective word choice in a poem will make or break a poem. It is the wording that will help get the author’s point across to the reader. â€Å"Words are capable of creating beauty or ugliness, creating mood, creating imagery, sounds, and smells†(Taylor, M, 2006). After reading this poem over and over again, I can say that I feel the love that Bradstreet is expressing.This is a great example of using the right words to get a point across. Whether you’re reading a poem or an epic novel, if you are not choosing the right words, you will not grab your readers.R eferences: Holman, B. Snyder, M. (2010). Sonnet. Retrieved from http://poetry. about. com/od/poeticforms/g/sonnet. htm Taylor, Marilyn. â€Å"Tips For Finding the Right Words. †Writer 119. 12 (2006) Warn, E. (2010). Anne Bradstreet: â€Å"to my dear and loving husband†. Retrieved from http://www. poetryfoundation. org/learning/poem-guide. html? guide_id=238168
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Shadow Kiss Chapter 14
Fourteen ABOUT A HALF HOUR before my alarm was scheduled to go off the next morning, I heard a knock at my door. I expected it to be Lissa, but a sleepy check of our bond showed that she was still fast asleep. Puzzled, I staggered out of the bed and opened the door. A Moroi girl I didn't recognize handed me some folded clothes with a note attached. I wondered if I should tip her or something, but she left too quickly for me to react. I sat back on my bed and unfolded the clothing. Black slacks, white blouse, and a black jacket. It was the same ensemble that the other guardians wore around here, and it was in my size. Wow. I was about to become part of the team. A slow grin spread over my face, and I opened the note. It was in Dimitri's writing: Wear your hair up. The grin stayed on my face. A lot of female guardians cut their hair to show off their molnija marks. I'd reluctantly considered it once, and Dimitri had told me not to. He loved my hair and had told me to wear it up. The way he'd said it back then had given me chills, just like now. An hour later, I was on my way to the trial with Lissa, Christian, and Eddie. Someone had rustled up a black-and-white outfit for Eddie too, and I think we both kind of felt like kids playing dress-up with their parents' clothing. My cropped jacket and stretchy blouse were actually pretty cute, and I wondered if I'd be able to bring these back with me. The courtroom was over in the large, ornate building we'd passed upon arrival. Walking through its halls, I saw a mix of the old and the new. Outside, it was all arched windows and stone spires. Inside, it was a hub of modern activity. People worked in offices with flat-screen monitors. Elevators led to upper floors. Yet, despite that, a few antique touches could still be found. Sculptures on pedestals. Chandeliers in the halls. The courtroom itself had beautiful murals that stretched from floor to ceiling, and in the front of the room, seals from all the royal families hung on the walls. Lissa stopped as we walked in, her eyes falling on the Dragomir dragon. King of the beasts. A sea of conflicting emotions swirled within her as she stared at the seal and felt the full weight of being the only one left to carry on her name. Pride to be part of that family. Fear that she wouldn't be good enough to live up to the name. Giving her a gentle nudge, I urged her on toward our seats. The seating was split by an aisle down the middle of the room. We sat at the front of the right-hand section. There were still several minutes to go before proceedings began, but the room wasn't very full yet. I suspected that wouldn't change, due to the secrecy surrounding what had happened with Victor. A judge sat at the front, but there was no jury. An elevated seat on one side of the room marked where the queen would sit when she arrived. She would be the one who made the ultimate decision. That was how it worked with royal criminal cases. I pointed it out to Lissa. â€Å"Let's hope that she's against him. Looks like she'll be the only one making the decision.†Lissa frowned. â€Å"Not having a jury feels kind of weird.†â€Å"That's because we spent so much time around humans.†She smiled. â€Å"Maybe. I don't know. Just seems like there's a lot of room for corruption.†â€Å"Well, yeah. But this is Victor we're talking about.†Moments later, Prince Victor Dashkov himself entered the courtroom. Or, rather, just Victor Dashkov did. He'd been stripped of his title when he'd been imprisoned. It had gone to the next oldest person in the Dashkov family. Fear shot through Lissa, and the little color that was in her cheeks completely disappeared. Mingled with that fear was an emotion I hadn't expected: regret. Before he'd kidnapped her, Victor had been like an uncle to her – that was even how she'd referred to him. She'd loved him, and he'd betrayed her. I put my hand over hers. â€Å"Easy,†I murmured. â€Å"It's going to be okay.†His eyes, narrowed and cunning, looked around the courtroom as though it were a party. He had that same unconcerned look he'd had while talking to Dimitri and me. I felt my lips curl into a sneer. A red haze tinged my vision, and I worked hard to be as serene as the other guardians in the room. He finally focused on Lissa, and she flinched at seeing the same eye color she and others of her family had. When he nodded a sort of greeting to her, I felt my control snap. Before I could actually do anything, I felt new words in my mind – Lissa's. Breathe, Rose. Just breathe. It looked like we were going to have to rely on each other to get through this. A heartbeat later, Victor was walking again, off to take his seat on the left side of the room. â€Å"Thanks,†I said to her, once he was gone. â€Å"It's like you can read my mind.†â€Å"No,†she said gently. â€Å"I could just feel your hand.†I looked down at where I'd put my hand over hers. I'd done it to comfort her and had ended up clenching her fingers in my own agitation. â€Å"Yikes,†I said, jerking away and hoping I hadn't broken her bones. â€Å"Sorry.†Queen Tatiana's entrance followed his, which distracted me and helped calm my dark feelings. We all stood when she appeared and then knelt. It was all kind of archaic, but it was a custom the Moroi had held onto over the years. We didn't rise until she took her seat, and then the rest of us were able to sit too. The trial started. One by one, those who had witnessed the events with Victor gave their account of what they'd seen. Largely, this involved the guardians who had pursued Lissa when Victor had taken her away and who had subsequently been part of the raid on Victor's hideout. Dimitri was the last of the guardians to go. On the surface, his testimony wasn't much different than theirs. They'd all been part of the rescue squad, but his part in the story had begun a little earlier. â€Å"I was with my student, Rose Hathaway,†he said. â€Å"She shares a bond with the princess and was the first to sense what had happened.†Victor's lawyer – I couldn't even imagine how they'd gotten anyone to represent him – glanced at some papers and then looked back up at Dimitri. â€Å"Based on the events, it sounds like there was a delay between when she discovered that and when you alerted the others.†Dimitri nodded, his mask of composure never slipping. â€Å"She couldn't act on it because Mr. Dashkov had inflicted a charm on her, one that caused her to attack me.†He spoke the words so levelly, it amazed me. Not even the lawyer seemed to notice anything. Only I could see – or maybe it was just because I knew him – how much it hurt for Dimitri to lie. Oh, he wanted to protect us – wanted to protect me in particular – which was why he was doing this. But it killed a piece of him to stand up there, under oath, and lie. Dimitri was not perfect, no matter how much I thought he was some days, but he always tried to be truthful. Today he couldn't be. â€Å"Mr. Dashkov works with earth magic, and some who use that power and are strong in compulsion can influence our base instincts,†continued Dimitri. â€Å"In this case, he affected her anger and violence through an object.†Off to my left, I heard a sound – like someone choking on their own laughter. The judge, an elderly but fierce Moroi woman, glared. â€Å"Mr. Dashkov, please respect the decorum of this courtroom.†Victor, still smiling, waved his hands in apology. â€Å"I'm terribly sorry, Your Honor and Your Majesty. Something in Guardian Belikov's testimony just tickled my fancy, that's all. It won't happen again.†I held my breath, waiting for the blow to fall. It didn't. Dimitri finished his statement, and then Christian was called up. His part was short. He'd been with Lissa when she'd been taken and had been knocked out. His contribution was being able to ID some of Victor's guardians as the kidnappers. Once Christian sat down, it was my turn. I walked up, hoping I looked calm in front of all those eyes – and in front of Victor. In fact, I went out of my way to not look at him at all. As I said my name and gave my oath to tell the truth, I suddenly felt the full force of what Dimitri must have experienced. I was standing before all these people, swearing I'd be honest, but I would lie in an instant if the lust charm came up. My version was pretty straightforward. I had details to offer from before the night of the kidnapping, like about when Victor had laid his sick traps to test Lissa's power. Otherwise, my story lined up with Dimitri's and the other guardians'. I'd said before that I could lie well, and I brushed over the â€Å"attack†charm part with such ease that no one paid any attention. Except Victor. Despite my refusal to look at him, I inadvertently glanced in his direction when I mentioned the charm. His eyes bored into me, and a small smirk sat on his lips. His smugness, I realized, was more than just because he knew I was lying. It was also because he actually knew the precise truth – and the look he gave me told me that he had that power over me and Dimitri, the power to ruin everything for us in front of all these people – no matter what Dimitri had threatened. All the while, I kept my face calm enough to make Dimitri proud, but inside my chest, my heart thudded loudly. It seemed to last forever, but I knew I was only on the stand for a few minutes. I finished, sagging with relief that Victor hadn't called me out, and then it was Lissa's turn. As the victim, she offered the first new perspective thus far, and everyone there grew caught up in her story. It was compelling; no one had ever heard anything like it. I also realized that, without even trying, Lissa was using her spirit-induced charisma. I think it came from the same place compulsion did. People were enraptured and sympathetic. When Lissa described the torture Victor had put her through to force her to heal him, I saw faces go pale with shock. Even Tatiana's stern mask faltered a little, though whether she felt pity or just simple surprise, I couldn't say. The most amazing thing, though, was how calmly Lissa managed to deliver the story. On the outside, she was steady and beautiful. But as she spoke the words, describing exactly how Victor's henchman had tortured her, she relived the pain and terror of that night. The guy had been an air user, and he'd toyed with that element, sometimes taking it away so she couldn't breathe and at other times smothering her with it. It had been horrible, and I'd experienced it right along with her. In fact, I experienced it with her again now as she spoke about the events on the stand. Each painful detail was still etched in her mind, the pain echoing back to both of us. We were both relieved when her testimony finished. Finally, it was Victor's turn. From the look on his face, you never would have guessed he was on trial. He wasn't angry or outraged. He wasn't contrite. He didn't plead. He looked like we were all hanging out somewhere, like he had nothing in the world to worry about. Somehow, that made me that much angrier. Even when answering, he spoke as though he made perfect sense. When the prosecuting lawyer asked why he'd done what he had, he looked at her as though she were crazy. â€Å"Why, I had no choice,†he said pleasantly. â€Å"I was dying. No one was going to condone me openly experimenting with the princess's powers. What would you have done in my place?†The lawyer ignored that. She was having a hard time keeping the disgust off of her face. â€Å"And you found coaxing your own daughter into turning Strigoi also necessary?†Everyone in the courtroom shifted uncomfortably. One of the most awful things about Strigoi was that they were made, not born. A Strigoi could force a human, a dhampir, or a Moroi into becoming Strigoi if the Strigoi drank the victim's blood and then fed Strigoi blood back to the victim. It didn't matter if the victim wanted it or not, and once she became Strigoi, she lost all sense of her old, moral self. She embraced becoming a monster and killing others to survive. Strigoi converted others if they found someone they thought would strengthen their ranks. Sometimes they did it just out of cruelty. The other way a Strigoi could be made was if a Moroi willingly chose to kill another person during feeding, destroying all the magic and life within themselves. Christian's parents had done that because they'd wanted to be immortal, no matter the cost. Victor's daughter Natalie had done it because he had talked her into it. The extra strength and speed she'd gotten from being a Strigoi had helped her free him, and he'd felt his goals were worth the sacrifice. Again, Victor showed no remorse. His answer was simple. â€Å"Natalie made that decision.†â€Å"Can you say that about everyone you used to meet your ends? Guardian Belikov and Miss Hathaway had no say in what you made them do.†Victor chuckled. â€Å"Well, that's a matter of opinion. I honestly don't think they minded. But if you have time after this case, Your Honor, you might want to consider trying a statutory rape case.†I froze. He'd done it. He'd really done it. I expected everyone in the room to turn and point at Dimitri and me. No one even looked in our direction, though. Most people were giving Victor appalled looks. I realized that was exactly what Victor had known would happen. He just wanted to tease us; he didn't actually expect anyone to take him seriously. Lissa's feelings through the bond confirmed as much. She felt like Victor was trying to shift attention off of himself by making up stories about Dimitri and me. She was horrified that Victor would stoop so low. The judge was too, and she chastised Victor for getting off topic. By that point, most of the questioning was done. The lawyers wrapped up, and it was time for the queen to deliver her verdict. I held my breath again, wondering what she would do. He hadn't denied any of the charges. The evidence was overwhelming, thanks to my friends' testimonies, but as even Victor had pointed out, there was a lot of corruption among royals. The queen could very well decide that she didn't want the scandal involved with imprisoning someone so well known. Even if no one knew the details, his imprisonment would start a buzz. Maybe she didn't want to deal with that. Maybe Victor had bought her off too. But in the end, she found Victor guilty and sentenced him to life in prison – a different prison, not the one at Court. I'd heard stories about Moroi prisons, and they were terrible places. I suspected his new home would be very different from the cell we'd found him in. Victor remained calm and amused throughout it all, just as he had yesterday. I didn't like that. The conversation I'd had with him made me think he wasn't going to accept this as serenely as he pretended. I hoped they'd watch him closely. A gesture from the queen ended formalities. The rest of us stood up and began talking while she surveyed the room with a sharp eye, probably taking notes. Victor's escort started to lead him out. He passed by us again. This time, he stopped and spoke. â€Å"Vasilisa, I trust you've been well.†She didn't answer. She still hated and feared him, but with this verdict, she finally believed he could no longer hurt her. It was like the end of a chapter she'd been stuck in for months. She could finally move on and hopefully let those horrible memories fade. â€Å"I'm sorry we didn't get a chance to talk, but I'm sure we will next time,†he added. â€Å"Come on,†said one of the guardians with him. They led him away. â€Å"He's crazy,†muttered Lissa once he was gone. â€Å"I can't believe he said that stuff about you and Dimitri.†Dimitri was standing behind her. I looked up and met his eyes as he moved past us. His relief mirrored my own. We'd danced with danger today – and we'd won. Christian came up to her and hugged her, holding her for a long time. I watched them fondly, surprised at my own kind feelings for them. When a hand touched my arm, I jumped. It was Adrian. â€Å"You okay, little dhampir?†he asked softly. â€Å"Dashkov said a few †¦ uh †¦ suggestive things.†I stepped closer, keeping my voice low as well. â€Å"No one believed him. I think it's okay. Thanks for asking, though.†He smiled and tapped my nose. â€Å"Two thank-yous in as many days. I don't suppose I'll get to see any, uh, special gratitude?†I scoffed. â€Å"Nope. You'll just have to imagine it.†He gave me a half-hug and released me. â€Å"Fair enough. But I have a good imagination.†We started to leave, and then Priscilla Voda hurried over to Lissa. â€Å"The queen would like to meet with you before you leave. In private.†I glanced over to the raised chair where the queen sat. Her gaze was fixed on us, and I wondered what this could be about. â€Å"Sure,†said Lissa, as confused as I was. To me, she sent through the bond: Will you listen again? I gave her a quick nod before Priscilla spirited her off. I returned to my room, tuning in to Lissa while I packed my things up. It took a little while because Tatiana had to finish a few courtroom formalities, but she finally arrived in the same room as yesterday. Lissa and Priscilla bowed as she entered and waited for the queen to sit. Tatiana made herself comfortable. â€Å"Vasilisa, you need to be in the air soon, so I'll make this brief. I would like to make an offer to you.†â€Å"What kind of an offer, Your Majesty?†â€Å"You'll need to go to college soon.†She spoke like it was a done deal. And yeah, Lissa did plan on going to college, but I didn't like the presumption. â€Å"I understand you're dissatisfied with your choices.†â€Å"Well†¦it's not that I'm dissatisfied, exactly. It's just, all the places Moroi are supposed to go are small. I mean, I understand it's for safety, but I don't know. I'd like to go somewhere bigger. Somewhere prestigious.†Guardians monitored a handful of select colleges in the country so that Moroi could safely attend them. As Lissa had noted, though, they tended to be smaller schools. Tatiana nodded impatiently, like she already knew this. â€Å"I'm going to give you an opportunity that no one else has ever been given, to my knowledge. After graduation, I would like you to come live here, at the Royal Court. You have no family, and I think you'd benefit from learning politics right in the heart of our government. Along with this, we would make arrangements for you to attend Lehigh University. It's less than an hour from here. Have you heard of it?†Lissa nodded. I'd never heard of it, but she was enough of a nerd to have researched every college in the U.S. â€Å"It's a good school, Your Majesty. But†¦ still small.†â€Å"It's bigger than the ones Moroi usually attend,†she pointed out. â€Å"True.†In her mind, Lissa was trying to puzzle out what was going on here. Why was Tatiana making this offer? Especially considering how she'd seemed to disagree with Lissa earlier. There was something weird going on here, and she decided to see how far she could push it. â€Å"The University of Pennsylvania isn't that far either, Your Majesty.†â€Å"That school is enormous, Vasilisa. We couldn't ensure your safety there.†Lissa shrugged. â€Å"Well, then it probably doesn't matter if I go to Lehigh or one of the others.†The queen looked shocked. So did Priscilla. They couldn't believe Lissa seemed indifferent to the offer. Truthfully, Lissa wasn't indifferent. Lehigh was a step up from what she'd expected, and she wanted to go. But she also wanted to see how badly the queen wanted her to go. Tatiana frowned and appeared to be weighing matters. â€Å"Depending on your grades and experiences at Lehigh, we could possibly arrange for you to transfer in a couple years. Again, the safety logistics would be very difficult.†Wow. The queen did want her around. But why? Lissa decided to simply ask. â€Å"I'm very flattered, Your Majesty. And grateful. But why are you offering me this?†â€Å"As the last Dragomir, you're a precious commodity. I'd like to make sure your future is secure. And I do so hate to see bright minds wasted. Besides†¦Ã¢â‚¬ She paused, hesitant to speak her next words. â€Å"You were right to a certain extent. The Moroi do have trouble changing. It could be useful to have a dissenting voice around here.†Lissa didn't answer right away. She was still analyzing this offer from every possible angle. She wished I was there to advise her, but I wasn't sure I'd have much of an opinion. Splitting my guardian duty between the Court and a cool university could be pretty neat. On the other hand, we'd have more freedom elsewhere. In the end, Lissa decided in favor of higher education. â€Å"All right,†she said at last. â€Å"I accept. Thank you, Your Majesty.†â€Å"Excellent,†said Tatiana. â€Å"We'll see that the arrangements are made. You may go now.†The queen made no signs of moving, so Lissa bowed again and scurried to the door, still reeling with this news. Tatiana suddenly called out to her. â€Å"Vasilisa? Will you send your friend here to talk to me? The Hathaway girl?†â€Å"Rose?†she asked in astonishment. â€Å"Why do you – ? Yes, of course. I'll get her.†Lissa hurried toward guest housing, but I met her halfway. â€Å"What's going on?†I asked. â€Å"I have no idea,†said Lissa. â€Å"Did you hear what she said?†â€Å"Yup. Maybe she wants to tell me how I have to be extra careful with you going to that school.†â€Å"Maybe. I don't know.†Lissa gave me a quick hug. â€Å"Good luck. I'll see you soon.†I went to the same room and found Tatiana standing with her hands clasped, posture stiff and impatient. She was dressed like a corporate businesswoman again, with a sleek brown blazer and skirt set. That color wouldn't have been my first choice to go with her dark gray hair, but that was her style adviser's problem, not mine. I bowed just as Lissa had and glanced around the room. Priscilla was gone; only a couple guardians remained. I expected Tatiana to tell me to sit, but instead, she stood up and walked right over to me. Her face did not look happy. â€Å"Miss Hathaway,†she said sharply, â€Å"I'm going to keep this brief. You are going to stop this atrocious affair you're having with my great-nephew. Immediately.â€
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